TL;DR: National announced this week it would create a ‘climate dividend’ that simply re-purposes over $2 billion of Emissions Trading Scheme fund cash for tax cuts generally. (Resent with fixed audio in podcast above)
The Kākā’s Climate Correspondent Cathrine Dyer spoke to independent ETS expert Christina Hood about:
how Aotearoa’s ETS doesn’t currently direct all its revenues to the existing Climate Emergency Response Fund (CERF) because it is the world’s only ETS that includes pine forest planters so they can receive cash from ETS revenues for planting trees;
how Canada’s ‘climate dividend’ (see more in the graphic below) is a better way to direct the most funds to those who need it most and are hurt most by climate change; and,
how the current use of the ETS funds from the CERF to subsidise further emissions reduction actually gives ‘two bangs for every buck’ earned from the scheme because it both incentivises lower emissions from fossil fuels and then further reduces emissions with the CERF subsidies.
Cathrine and Bernard then put that discussion into the context of Election 2023 in their own discussion below. An introduction and then the interview with Christina and then Cathrine and Bernard’s post-interview chat are combined into the podcast above. The introduction and interview are also below separately in video form.
This email, podcast and the videos are available for all the public to view, listen, read and share for all as part of The Kākā’s commitment to public interest journalism about housing, the climate and poverty, and in particular, solutions journalism such as this. It is funded by paying subscribers to The Kākā, who are able to comment, get access to all emails and podcasts early and be invited into the very active Chat section above for paying subscribers. Join us as a paying subscriber to help support more of this work.
The introduction
The interview
The Canadian example

Ka kite ano
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