TLDR & TLDL: Peter Bale and I took an end-of-week ‘hoon’ (the plural of Kākā) around the week’s events in geopolitics on Friday afternoon with around 30 subscribers on a Zoom webinar.
We talked about Peter’s latest edition of his World Bulletin Weekly email via The Spinoff (which I’d recommend you subscribe to for free), including:
closer looks at Beiruit one year on from its catastrophic explosion,
the latest on climate change feedback loops such as the changing Gulf stream and Greenland’s big ice melt, (referencing this piece)
threats to democracy in America and elsewhere from rich donors,
the prospects for inflation and interest rate hikes in a world where most of the freshly printed US$11t is being stashed in bank accounts, bonds and hard already-existing assets,
why the Government looks set to dump its harbour bridge cycling lane,
and a discussion about what price I should charge for The Kākā when I go paid from September 20.
Ka kite anō
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