The Kākā by Bernard Hickey
‘On a Fast-track to environmental disaster’

Paid episode

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‘On a Fast-track to environmental disaster’

Simon Upton says Fast-track approvals would be ‘disastrous’; Per capita sales volumes down 12.4% since late 2021; Wellington retail sales hit hardest; Climate ignored in Jones’ mining plan
Posters opposing the proposed Fast-Track Approvals legislation were pasted around Wellington last week. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The Kākā

TL;DR: One of the architects of the RMA and a former National Cabinet Minister, Simon Upton, has criticised the Government’s Fast-Track Approvals bill as potentially disastrous for the environment, arguing just 1% of consents were currently rejected and just 7% of the larger ‘notified’ consents were rejected.

Meanwhile, Energy Minister Shane Jones announced a plan to mine conservation and other land to double minerals and coal exports by 2035, but did not look at the the climate effects, which are currently set to mean Aotearoa-NZ breaches its just-signed trade agreements with the UK and Europe.

(Paying subscribers can see more detail and analysis below the paywall fold and in the podcast above. We’ll open it up for public reading, listening and sharing if we get over 100 likes)

Here’s my top six ‘pick ‘n’ mix’ of links to news, analysis and opinion articles, announcements, official reports, reviews and research in the last 24 hours or so to 6:06 am on Friday, May 24:

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The Kākā by Bernard Hickey
The latest daily snapshot of the news, detail, insight and analysis on geo-politics, the global economy, business, markets and the local political economy for citizens and decision-makers of Aotearoa-NZ.