The Kākā by Bernard Hickey
Our churn and burn economy with houses tacked on

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Our churn and burn economy with houses tacked on

Average of 588 people migrated away from NZ each day in April. They were replaced by 622 mostly temporary workers from India, the Philippines & China. NZ per-capita GDP set to fall as much as post-GFC
In April, 17,656 people left Aotearoa-NZ to live overseas, averaging 588 a day, with just over half of those likely to have gone to Australia. Photo: Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The Kākā

TL;DR: My six things to note in Aotearoa-NZ’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Thursday, June 13 were:

  1. An average of nearly three A320 loads worth of New Zealanders left permanently each day during the 30 days of April. They were more than replaced by three-and-a-half planeloads a day of mostly temporary workers and students from India, the Philippines and China.

  2. Fresh data for May indicates the per-capita recession in GDP is set to be extended and deepened at a faster pace and for as long as the per-capita recession seen after the Global Financial Crisis of 2008/09.

  3. China’s Premier Li Qiang is arriving in Wellington today for talks with PM Christopher Luxon, just as Stuff dropped a major documentary detailing the Chinese Communist Party’s decades-long interference in Aotearoa-NZ’s democracy.

  4. A leak gushing from a hole in one of Wellington’s busiest streets for 44 days is set to keep gushing until Sunday.

  5. The world is rolling out solar panels faster than any other rollout of a power source in history, with much of New Zealand’s land mass able to generate solar power. Panels and batteries made in China are falling quickly in price.

  6. Antarctica’s sea ice coverage was lower in May than for any other May in recorded history, except last year.

(Paying subscribers can see and hear more detail, charts and analysis below the paywall fold and in the podcast above. We’ll open up the full article for public reading, listening and sharing if we get over 100 likes to indicate approval from paying subscribers.)

Six things to note this morning

1. Average of 588 people migrated away each day in April

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The Kākā by Bernard Hickey
The latest daily snapshot of the news, detail, insight and analysis on geo-politics, the global economy, business, markets and the local political economy for citizens and decision-makers of Aotearoa-NZ.