Treasury expected to downgrade GDP growth & tax forecasts as Government's spending cuts & building freezes hit the economy; Willis expected to delay surplus & lift borrowing forecast by $6 billion
“They use the four wellbeings to justify the decisions that they're making, and we're saying that party is over.”
Ergo the government sees wellbeing as optionals and party props instead as objectives for the better living of the people they serve and represent? That is just messed up… straight out of the colonial mentality: we know what is better for you because we are superior. Sooo depressing
It is exceptional that the government funded fibre roll out is exceptional for a country such as New Zealand. I’ve been listening to the Kākā since 2020 and am very satisfied, but all the well reasoned and accurate things you’ve said have come to pass. Unsurprisingly the austerity hasn’t worked and now it’s time to throw someone under the bus.
I wish something would puncture the cognitive bias in the mindset of Aotearoa.
National's successful roll out of fibre throughout NZ is something they never talk about because it represents successful socialism. To achieve the roll out, Steven Joyce set up a new SOE, Crown Fibre Holdings, 100% government owned, because he knew that the private sector could never achieve it. CFH successfully managed the entire project, employing Chorus as the main subcontractor & thousands of us now benefit from having fibre installed, free of charge. If you haven't had free fibre installed, get onto it now, because the current government vandals will soon abolish the free installation as a 'nice to have.'
Not disagreeing, but is the unspoken part of this story the labour force exploitation that went with this scheme in the layers of contracting beneath CFH - especially of vulnerable immigrant workers?
Here is an extract from the conversation between Luxon, Willis and Brown..." the government financial figures are coming out on Tuesday, and they don't look good. What could we do to distract the media? How about putting the boot into Local Government? Nobody likes rates increases so we'll say we'll cap them, and use Wellington as an example, and we'll say we will get rid of the 4 well-beings, because nobody knows what they mean, and it looks like we're doing something." And so, it came to pass, and everybody got successfully distracted and Local Government was once again not consulted. Sigh.
What to believe? The evidence which suggests current economic policy is not working, or the current government who suggest others are at fault - the previous government and local councils.
I love the comment about “pet projects “. Is the Wellington tunnel and a few extra motorways not “pet projects”, Simeon?
Great post today explaining why the government’s strategy is wrong and will fail. But I think this is all well known now here and internationally. Other than the Mickey Mouse explanations from Luxon, Willis et al, who with some credibility and evidence is arguing for it? I never find anyone. And, deep sigh, where oh where is Labour? ☹️
the first sentence is totally erroneous/false/incorrect/wrong !!! what it would do is fuel another raging inferno of increasing residential property prices (now tempered a little by DTI limits).
therefore it would make things even worse than they are for renters.
( I hope you were being sarcastic. I far prefer stating things directly.)
! 😜 seems to indicate sarcasm - but yes sarcasm can be difficult to detect in print because of the lack of intonation that identifies verbal sarcasm. A mainly British trait that NZ has inherited as a former colony, sarcasm can be hilarious at times but also very annoying and a cause of strain in relationships if one partner uses it regularly to the others' annoyance.
Just read the Post report on cycleways in Wellington. Usual focus on how many car parks are lost,inconvenience to driving public, loss os business and the large expense. I suspect journalists are given a formula when writing about cycleways.
What they never discuss is the mathematics around our car culture. Our cities and towns have a finite amount of space. You can only fit so many cars in that space. If the population keeps growing, and more people rely on their car then the available spaces will diminish and we reach a point where the traffic does not move and there is nowhere to park the car.
It’s so easy to blame the space the cycleway takes up and ignore the possibility that there is more cars trying to fit in the available space.
regarding #1 on the top six pick and mix, the family boost payments were taken up on the basis (and weighting) by Stats NZ in their last CPI numbers for Q1. This had the effect of pushing down the CPI inflation down to target and is being used by the government that the plan to reduce inflation is working. Treasury has allocated 174 Million for this financial year, but with 15 million taken so far, there is quite a large difference which I feel has "screwed the scrum" with CPI last quarter.
What happens when you have an MMP government with a weak leader who is desperately trying to juggle three ideologies: nationalist, centre-right, and libertarian? And doing so while knowing those three ideologies are like oil and water and don’t mix. And what happens if those relatively inert ideologies become incredibly toxic when shaken and stirred by populism and self-interested politicians? I think we’re all finding out now.
In the industry I work in, employees are rewarded for their talent and effort when they upsell and "attach". Imagine a world where MSD employees were also rewarded for their knowledge and insight into 'customer' needs, as demonstrated by maximising their access to their welfare entitlements...
My brother worked for a while in such an office, in a medium-sized NI town. Eventually he had to quit because he could no longer stand his colleagues high-fiving each other if they managed to get a client to leave in tears.
In a capitalist world ALL employees are profit creators. EVERY unemployed person creates a country in decline. We have been seeing that in New Zealand for a very very long time now.
The last few weeks have been do depressing with the cheapest ferry option being more expensive than the cancelled Hyundai ones.
And everything else, we started watching last night "One hundred years of solitude" and the netflix adaption of Garcia García Márquez novel and its just wonderful and lifts one soul above the current pettiness, spite and ineptitude that we see coming out of Wellington.
"In my interactions with Wellingtonians I have heard multiple complaints about the Thorndon Connections project, including cycleways that have been installed on Molesworth and Murphy streets, among others. It’s clear that these cycleways are frustrating motorists...” Simeon Brown
Sounds awfully like Brown's 2023 electioneering promises - no need for science or long-term study based evidence - just quote a few punters whose opinions match your agenda and you're good to go impose your fast car-centric agenda.
“They use the four wellbeings to justify the decisions that they're making, and we're saying that party is over.”
Ergo the government sees wellbeing as optionals and party props instead as objectives for the better living of the people they serve and represent? That is just messed up… straight out of the colonial mentality: we know what is better for you because we are superior. Sooo depressing
If we only wanted someone to build roads and look after pipes, we would hire a contractor, no need to have a council for that.
It is exceptional that the government funded fibre roll out is exceptional for a country such as New Zealand. I’ve been listening to the Kākā since 2020 and am very satisfied, but all the well reasoned and accurate things you’ve said have come to pass. Unsurprisingly the austerity hasn’t worked and now it’s time to throw someone under the bus.
I wish something would puncture the cognitive bias in the mindset of Aotearoa.
National's successful roll out of fibre throughout NZ is something they never talk about because it represents successful socialism. To achieve the roll out, Steven Joyce set up a new SOE, Crown Fibre Holdings, 100% government owned, because he knew that the private sector could never achieve it. CFH successfully managed the entire project, employing Chorus as the main subcontractor & thousands of us now benefit from having fibre installed, free of charge. If you haven't had free fibre installed, get onto it now, because the current government vandals will soon abolish the free installation as a 'nice to have.'
Not disagreeing, but is the unspoken part of this story the labour force exploitation that went with this scheme in the layers of contracting beneath CFH - especially of vulnerable immigrant workers?
Yes, that part is very much 'hidden under the web'
Thanks Ben.
Here is an extract from the conversation between Luxon, Willis and Brown..." the government financial figures are coming out on Tuesday, and they don't look good. What could we do to distract the media? How about putting the boot into Local Government? Nobody likes rates increases so we'll say we'll cap them, and use Wellington as an example, and we'll say we will get rid of the 4 well-beings, because nobody knows what they mean, and it looks like we're doing something." And so, it came to pass, and everybody got successfully distracted and Local Government was once again not consulted. Sigh.
"Up on tiptoes one cannot stand.
Overstepping one cannot walk.
Self-displayers have no shine.
Self-justifiers gain no preeminence.
Self-congratulators achieve no glory.
Self-aggrandizers accomplish no greatness.
Voyagers on the course call such things as these
spoiled leftovers or tumorous growths‒
things that inspire disgust.
That is why those with the course before them
never stay where they are." - Daodejing, 4th century BC
"Let me be clear: I'm wealthy, I'm ‒ you know ‒ sorted." - the PM of AoNZ, 2024
What to believe? The evidence which suggests current economic policy is not working, or the current government who suggest others are at fault - the previous government and local councils.
I love the comment about “pet projects “. Is the Wellington tunnel and a few extra motorways not “pet projects”, Simeon?
Great post today explaining why the government’s strategy is wrong and will fail. But I think this is all well known now here and internationally. Other than the Mickey Mouse explanations from Luxon, Willis et al, who with some credibility and evidence is arguing for it? I never find anyone. And, deep sigh, where oh where is Labour? ☹️
keeping their powder dry and keeping their stocks of popcorn healthy?
Yep. Great point.
Wow it's almost as if they didn't learn from 14 years of tory rule in the UK.
They learned all the wrong things...
Clearly the govt needs to do away with ringfenced losses on rental properties. You know, to make things better for renters! 😜
the first sentence is totally erroneous/false/incorrect/wrong !!! what it would do is fuel another raging inferno of increasing residential property prices (now tempered a little by DTI limits).
therefore it would make things even worse than they are for renters.
( I hope you were being sarcastic. I far prefer stating things directly.)
! 😜 seems to indicate sarcasm - but yes sarcasm can be difficult to detect in print because of the lack of intonation that identifies verbal sarcasm. A mainly British trait that NZ has inherited as a former colony, sarcasm can be hilarious at times but also very annoying and a cause of strain in relationships if one partner uses it regularly to the others' annoyance.
Just read the Post report on cycleways in Wellington. Usual focus on how many car parks are lost,inconvenience to driving public, loss os business and the large expense. I suspect journalists are given a formula when writing about cycleways.
What they never discuss is the mathematics around our car culture. Our cities and towns have a finite amount of space. You can only fit so many cars in that space. If the population keeps growing, and more people rely on their car then the available spaces will diminish and we reach a point where the traffic does not move and there is nowhere to park the car.
It’s so easy to blame the space the cycleway takes up and ignore the possibility that there is more cars trying to fit in the available space.
regarding #1 on the top six pick and mix, the family boost payments were taken up on the basis (and weighting) by Stats NZ in their last CPI numbers for Q1. This had the effect of pushing down the CPI inflation down to target and is being used by the government that the plan to reduce inflation is working. Treasury has allocated 174 Million for this financial year, but with 15 million taken so far, there is quite a large difference which I feel has "screwed the scrum" with CPI last quarter.
What happens when you have an MMP government with a weak leader who is desperately trying to juggle three ideologies: nationalist, centre-right, and libertarian? And doing so while knowing those three ideologies are like oil and water and don’t mix. And what happens if those relatively inert ideologies become incredibly toxic when shaken and stirred by populism and self-interested politicians? I think we’re all finding out now.
In the industry I work in, employees are rewarded for their talent and effort when they upsell and "attach". Imagine a world where MSD employees were also rewarded for their knowledge and insight into 'customer' needs, as demonstrated by maximising their access to their welfare entitlements...
My brother worked for a while in such an office, in a medium-sized NI town. Eventually he had to quit because he could no longer stand his colleagues high-fiving each other if they managed to get a client to leave in tears.
The op ed item 6 is essential reading for everyone. How this govt spins health spend increase to 3 or so times more than it really is.
In using the figure of $16Bn increase, the PM either doesn’t understand the facts, or has been poorly advised about them.
Or, deliberately retelling part truths.
In a capitalist world ALL employees are profit creators. EVERY unemployed person creates a country in decline. We have been seeing that in New Zealand for a very very long time now.
The last few weeks have been do depressing with the cheapest ferry option being more expensive than the cancelled Hyundai ones.
And everything else, we started watching last night "One hundred years of solitude" and the netflix adaption of Garcia García Márquez novel and its just wonderful and lifts one soul above the current pettiness, spite and ineptitude that we see coming out of Wellington.
I'm actively avoiding today's HYEFU for similar reasons.
"In my interactions with Wellingtonians I have heard multiple complaints about the Thorndon Connections project, including cycleways that have been installed on Molesworth and Murphy streets, among others. It’s clear that these cycleways are frustrating motorists...” Simeon Brown
Sounds awfully like Brown's 2023 electioneering promises - no need for science or long-term study based evidence - just quote a few punters whose opinions match your agenda and you're good to go impose your fast car-centric agenda.