Hi Bernard, this is excellent. I'm simply an ordinary gal who struggles to make sense of the economy and all who sail in her but since I caught up with you at Newsroom I have found your columns clear and succinct. This podcast about the prefu has really been helpful and I just wish more "undecideds" would listen to it.
Hi Bernard, this is excellent. I'm simply an ordinary gal who struggles to make sense of the economy and all who sail in her but since I caught up with you at Newsroom I have found your columns clear and succinct. This podcast about the prefu has really been helpful and I just wish more "undecideds" would listen to it.
Hi Bernard, this is excellent. I'm simply an ordinary gal who struggles to make sense of the economy and all who sail in her but since I caught up with you at Newsroom I have found your columns clear and succinct. This podcast about the prefu has really been helpful and I just wish more "undecideds" would listen to it.