Bernard, it would be interesting to dig into Branz to better understand it’s governance structure and whether it is fit for purpose for our time. It seems to me that it’s questionable that a private organisation should have so much control over materials in the NZ market, especially given the pressures in housing here
Bernard, it would be interesting to dig into Branz to better understand it’s governance structure and whether it is fit for purpose for our time. It seems to me that it’s questionable that a private organisation should have so much control over materials in the NZ market, especially given the pressures in housing here
Great comment. Remember Branz and its lead members were primarily responsible for the failure of govt to intervene to avoid the leaky building crisis. After a fact finding trip to Canada industry heads threatened to sue if the govt intervened. Look what it has cost us now.
Bernard, it would be interesting to dig into Branz to better understand it’s governance structure and whether it is fit for purpose for our time. It seems to me that it’s questionable that a private organisation should have so much control over materials in the NZ market, especially given the pressures in housing here
Welcome any evidence you have on that, or other loyalties.
Harrison. Great point. I'll do some digging.
Great comment. Remember Branz and its lead members were primarily responsible for the failure of govt to intervene to avoid the leaky building crisis. After a fact finding trip to Canada industry heads threatened to sue if the govt intervened. Look what it has cost us now.