So the Reserve Bank Deputy believes an additional 5% fall in house prices would put them in the range of sustainability? Incredible. This would still give us a National income:house price ratio of 8-9, and higher in Auckland. Are these people removed from reality?

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whatever sustainability means it is not affordability!!!

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Looks like Countdown is making a pretty feeble attempt and showing it is a good corporate citizen and cares about its consumers pain at the checkout. Seriously when 117 of the 629 items on the price freeze are herbs and spices how will that really help NZ consumers? And looks like in terms of fresh & healthy foods only Carrots, potatoes and pumpkins make the price freeze list! And if I was a cynical betting man Id say the suppliers are the ones feeling the pain for these prices not Countdown....


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I’m sure foodstuffs will do even better given there an NZ company. There care and consideration to help their fellow citizens will be exemplary!!

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I'm going to win Lotto this weekend as well

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Dam, and I thought it was my turn to win this week!!!😂😂

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Hi Bernard, is it possible to compare the monetary value we place on human life in other areas, for example in deciding how we allocate resources for road safety improvements, to the 'cost per life' of the estimated 36,000 lives saved? Possibly a tricky analysis but if there was a way to see things in perspective that would be very interesting. Cheers

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