deletedApr 17
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This statement from Adrian Orr snagged me.

“So I would say the biggest constraint on investing in alternative energies is the current low cost of fossil fuels. You know that they are always being priced where it makes the alternative just not quite worth the effort.”

As we know, if fossil fuel companies had to include the costs of global warming (the externalities) into the price of their products, they would be far more expensive than the alternatives.

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Great pic detail fascinating. Did miss your input Wednesday but plenty to follow in the info you sent especially PM employing so many staff for social media, like to know if some are re employed civil servants sacked by PM government from 'backroom' jobs.

Management takes serious skills which his government seems to lack.

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Apr 17Liked by Bernard Hickey

This is something I don't understand - local gov rates are going up yes, but a big part of that is because we're buying more things through local government. We're spending more on water pipe renewals, for example. If my food bill goes up because I buy two apples instead of one apple, that's not inflation in my understanding. That's not something that RBNZ should respond to in any way, they should respond to the cost of one apple. It's the same with insurance - we're paying more but that's because we're paying for two expected rebuilds within 100 years instead of one now. That's not inflation, that's us buying more things! Does the RBNZ take this into account or does it just bluntly say 'rates are up, that's inflation. Not our problem'?

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Fascinating that major big Thailand success of C Luxon was tripling trade by 2045, which apparently was happening anyway as it follows current trajectory along with predicted inflation, according to RNZ commentary.

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It seems as if the climate crisis has failed to register in NZ’s corridors of power. Though to be fair to Orr he has no control over the other lever of the economy- taxation

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We built a machine that creates wealth for those who own it. But in doing so, it devours, fouls, and destroys the environment and all living things. So do we pull the plug on the machine? Silly thinking. As they say, you aren’t in traffic, you are traffic. We are the machine.

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Am I the only one who applies a discount factor to comments on this web site which don't have people's full names? I remember signing a letter "mother of nine" when it was possible in letters to the editor. When this was scrapped, I had to be much more responsible with what I wrote. I think, Bernard, that people should have their whole name on this site. I relish each day the comments section. It's thoughtful and often intelligent but I want to know who I might be debating with....

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" That's the nature of markets operating" concludes Adrian Orr in today's Chorus.

We've got to stop this brainless invisible hand stuff don't we? Unless I'm mistaken hands cannot see what we have to do for the future.

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