I honour the Economic Inequality Protection from abuse at the hands of your own kind or any other kind of the Treaty of Waitangi, sought by the lower socio economic groups majority of Maoridom that signed it, who were getting abused at the hands of their own feudal elites…
I honour the Economic Inequality Protection from abuse at the hands of your own kind or any other kind of the Treaty of Waitangi, sought by the lower socio economic groups majority of Maoridom that signed it, who were getting abused at the hands of their own feudal elites as much as anyone.
I join with Maori in their disappointment that the European governance system they let in had not yet dealt with the Economic Inequality issue to the degree they had been told, and the Euro/American Privately Owned Investment Banker Elites have set about imposing their Pyramid Fraud Economic model upon us all ever since.
Picking off Maori first because they knew the narrow-minded others would look at them as unworthy victims, then setting about getting the all of us due to our conceit.
The Treaty of Waitangi.
I am Pakeha, I live in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
I honour the Economic Inequality Protection from abuse at the hands of your own kind or any other kind of the Treaty of Waitangi, sought by the lower socio economic groups majority of Maoridom that signed it, who were getting abused at the hands of their own feudal elites as much as anyone.
I join with Maori in their disappointment that the European governance system they let in had not yet dealt with the Economic Inequality issue to the degree they had been told, and the Euro/American Privately Owned Investment Banker Elites have set about imposing their Pyramid Fraud Economic model upon us all ever since.
Picking off Maori first because they knew the narrow-minded others would look at them as unworthy victims, then setting about getting the all of us due to our conceit.