Nice round-up and a good day of the week to have it, thanks Bernard.

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Saw someone make an interesting comment on BlueSky this week - along the lines that Ernest Rutherford couldn’t have got research funding under these new rules - because he couldn’t prove an economic/business application of his research. Evidence free idiots.

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Yes, the world we live in runs on technology and principles resulting from pure 'un-economic' research.

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Amazing how short sighted, nay regressive, this government is. Taking us back decades

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Because it's their happy place.

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Looking forward to the 'Blow up ' mid 2025 .

An interview with Jim Bolger and Ruth Richardson would be interesting !

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The coalition appears to be living in their own macabre version of a ‘ back to the 1990s’ sitcom. Someone needs to tell them the world has changed.

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The boys at BHN had Chippie on for the best part of an hour during the week. He raised my spirits with regards to Labour's tax reform thinking (with lots of hints, but no detail ... yet). Apart from absolutely no mention of climate, which was disappointing, it did leave me feeling ever so slightly hopeful.

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That Labour supports sustainable climate management, is an absolute given! As evidence by its work in the last government.

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Thanks Bernard, seems like the government is intentionally removing the bits tacked onto our housing market.

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Good idea for a headline. NACT removes bits tacked on, one by one.

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Sadly true

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Much enjoyed your soliloquy this morning! Keep it going!!

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I like the video, thanks. I was going to make an observation about religious political views vs scientific, but chickened out.

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Don’t hold back!

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Saying we aren't going to buy emissions from overseas is a emperor's new clothes moment.

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Yes - and the attempt to make us see this as a luxury we can well do without.

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Thanks Bernard,

That’s a very impressive summary of Bad News generated by the Alice in Wonderland cast.

Particularly the seven point list of actions by the government that exacerbate our carbon emissions.

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Where is Luxon/Willis getting their macro advice from? Mentioning Ruth is a red flag.

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Love the outdoor setting.

re: the lack of infrastructure spending, I suspect you could provide roading and utilities right to the edge of a property but the costs of building have risen to a point where that there will never be any inexpensive newbuild homes.

I was in Takaka last weekend and saw their new cohousing build. https://www.takakacohousing.co.nz/homes-for-sale

They have a great patch of flat and accessible land, but disappointing to see an apartment in a shared wall dwelling going for 800k.

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Interesting Duane. Always looking for stories like this.

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And there's that profusion of the passive-aggressive "actually" word again! Used four times in one sentence. ...Checking the comments on here; none contain the word because none of you seem to feel the need to talk down to us. The little things like this speak volumes about the lack of quality coming out of our supposed leader's mouth. It's shameful he didn't realise the economics being used are the ones that got UK's Liz T ousted with much derision. Using old, disproven economics and thinking you can 'actually' bluff it out hardly seems like a sane plan to me!

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Thank you for producing this very useful summary of the week. Please keep it coming.

It would be even more useful for me if you could specifically identify “what we should be doing differently.” I can usually infer what this should be, but I may be misinterpreting what you are saying. Perhaps a section “Advice to the opposition”.

I worry that Labour is going to be too timid in its energy policy to break up the gentailers (when we have Chorus as an example) or push for a decentralised power grid (South Australia is now selling excess power to other Australian states). Or reverse the ostrich approach to the Paris agreement and have to pour the billions into buying carbon credits that are highly unlikely to ever provide a return as opposed to investments in carbon-removing activities in NZ.

With our highly concentrated media, and this government’s removal of funding opportunities for alternate media organisations like The Spinoff, an alternative voice like yours is very important.

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A stray thought. Imagine a government that mandated property owners having to install solar panels and domestic batteries on all their properties so each property reaches a level of self-sufficiency. I wonder how this would have changed Blackrock’s position on SolarZero. And allowed the amount of investment in diversity of supply in the grid to be reduced. And it would be using private capital, something this government seems abdicated to.

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And this was before I wrote the post on TKP 26/50. https://thekaka.substack.com/p/tkp-2650-solutions-a-new-home-without?r=45a4m&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

I should read the posts in the order they are posted!

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Abdicated to . . . LOL. Should read “addicted to.”

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Thanks Alan. I'm working on The Kākā Project for those solutions.

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Alan, Labour definitely wants to address the gentailer issue, is working on that.

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Pretty standard CEO behavior, make the books look good this FY, future be dammed

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What do the coalition prefer to cook?

The books.

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Love you Bernard, but this soliloquy is depressing AF. What an absolute sh*tshow of a "government"!

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I try to do it with a smile. And some nature in the background. Quite hard for me to keep my shirt on with this weather. But that would reduce ratings dramatically.

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You never know! 😹😹😹

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