Bernard don’t fall into the lazy idea that fiscal management is a choice between stimulus or spending cuts and fewer public services. There is plenty of scope in the next few years to improve public services and constrain the next burst of spending,

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Thanks Bill. I was thinking more about the infrastructure spending, particularly given the previous shortages that have yet to be filled, or the housing supply response, which just can't really get going until the councils get infrastructure funding help. Not a single deal from Infrastructure Funding and Financing Act after two years. cheers

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If the Gov invests in health spending surely this flows through and results in secondary spending fueling inflation? Eg health employee wages, new infrastructure, expensive capital equipment?

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There will be a secondary flow through for any type of spending. I suppose the key is to make the first round 'stick to the sides' and be useful over a longer period, either by creating physical or human infrastructure in the form of trained staff in new or refurbished facilities (and then hoping they don't leave for Australia)

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All the right wing ever does is advocate for austerity. Nicola Willis has no good ideas, just wants to gesture towards spending to win political points, yaaaawn.

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Bernard, it'd be great if you have time to do some investigation into inflation profiteering here in NZ. Popular Information (and a few others) have been examining how record corporate profits in the US have been the main driver of inflation, on top of covid stimulus. https://popular.info/

The reserve bank governors comments were sloppy and frankly unhelpful.

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Thanks Hamersley. I'll keep it up. Have an interview request in with David Clark. Here's something I prepared earlier.... https://thekaka.substack.com/p/fletchers-very-profitable-inflation?s=w

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Thank you! I must have missed that one :)

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