I got the opportunity to do a messaging course put on by The Workshop recently and they talked about that fast thinking brain also. Makes me very frustrated when politicians and media use buzz words and reactionary statements, feels very counter-productive if we want people to move past that immediate thought and go deeper. I feel in this social media era, it's all about what you can convey in a few seconds as someone's scrolling their feed. Thanks for sharing the book recommendation, I will look it up

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‘theres nothing more permanent than a temporary government programme’

I remember when QE was used in the US as an emergency response to the worst financial crisis in history! 🤡

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Hey Bernard - not everyone has a lizard brain when it comes to climate change. The US has just past the Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure, Investment and Jobs Act which is making available US $800 billion for climate change action. A key aspect of this is the integration of the agricultural sector with the energy sectors to address climate change, economic development and employment opportunity in a comprehensive manner. Potentially, this level of investment could transform future energy solutions over the next 5 years.

Check out this initiavite and other measures at: https://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2022/08/14/the-roof-is-lifting-the-united-states-injects-800-billion-climate-and-energy-sectors-as-ira-2022-passes-to-biden-for-signing/ or at https://www.giffordconsulting.co.nz/page/584105


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Our lizard brains and Capitalism combine to weaken our resolve on the really important issue of Climate change ,well said. Another side issue “Richie ( ?true) McCaw has climbed into bed with Silver Lake and the Cayman Islands tax haven. Any respect I had is gone. When will we stop worshipping mammon and try to heal the Planet?

Patrick Medlicott

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Focuses or foci? Depends on whether you are speaking English (focuses) or Latin (foci, second declension by the look of it).

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Climate Change was always going to generate more climate change it’s part of the feedback mechanism unfortunately. We aren’t prepared for the living hell we have unleashed. The worship of financial markets at the expense of nature is our undoing. In my lifetime the weather has turned to shit! There’s droughts seemingly all over the planet at the same time and where I live in the Waikato we are still around 1000mm of rain short in the last 4 years we used to get around 1100mm a year. Also another pet peeve people, Greenies etc always blather on about saving the planet, the planet would be better off without humans! The narrative should be the save the planets ability to sustain human civilisation. But I guess this isn’t a catchy enough sound bite!

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Thank you Bernard maybe you could look at the other side of this debate as the scientists that disagree with man made co2 have very strong arguments. see


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Bernard Dr Sharma’s comments sound very similar to the comments made by Jami-Lee Ross when he pushed the self destruct button within the National caucus.

That could be because both sets of comments were made by men who are self entitled egotists, it just a media side show of little relevance to anyone but the protagonists involved.

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"There was never a true political reckoning for what happened in the GFC in the United States, the UK and Europe"

Dead right, and can we add NZ to that list? South Canterbury Finance anyone, and its ilk?

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