Bernard the young who want to see the world/go on OE surely will not stick around forever. This will remove a dynamic (and still low cost) segment of the labour market that is already at max capacity. Surely this sort of brain drain factors into the govt's thinking?
Bernard the young who want to see the world/go on OE surely will not stick around forever. This will remove a dynamic (and still low cost) segment of the labour market that is already at max capacity. Surely this sort of brain drain factors into the govt's thinking?
They know now that if they leave they may not be able to get back in. It’s now a factor for people thinking about leaving. And most couldn’t leave until now because they’ve only just got access to vaccine. Can’t get into Australia at all (Australia’s limited to 3,000 entries a week when NZ at 2,000 a week) and other places need vaccination.
Bernard the young who want to see the world/go on OE surely will not stick around forever. This will remove a dynamic (and still low cost) segment of the labour market that is already at max capacity. Surely this sort of brain drain factors into the govt's thinking?
They know now that if they leave they may not be able to get back in. It’s now a factor for people thinking about leaving. And most couldn’t leave until now because they’ve only just got access to vaccine. Can’t get into Australia at all (Australia’s limited to 3,000 entries a week when NZ at 2,000 a week) and other places need vaccination.