RBNZ forecasts house prices will rise another 10% by mid-2022, before falling 5% by late 2024; It says house prices 'appear to be above their sustainable level'; RBNZ prefers OCR hikes from now on
So how does our RB justify funding banks that take billions of profit offshore? When it could fund a massive build program , infrastructure and services direct and repaid via WEALTH TAXES. So much too unpack in Mr Orrs statement. For the record I think he’s a relatively good one and a Kiwi! BUT they’re not provisioning NZers appropriately to live, work support families or adapt to climate change and economic shocks.Claiming low immigration is a factor is risky “big call” given were 900,000 Kiwis living overseas pre pandemic many wishing to return. Enjoy your analysis appreciate the “Guvner” responds and thanks for taking it directly to the belly of the beast 😀.
Top class writeup and analysis Bernard (as always) - thank you!
So how does our RB justify funding banks that take billions of profit offshore? When it could fund a massive build program , infrastructure and services direct and repaid via WEALTH TAXES. So much too unpack in Mr Orrs statement. For the record I think he’s a relatively good one and a Kiwi! BUT they’re not provisioning NZers appropriately to live, work support families or adapt to climate change and economic shocks.Claiming low immigration is a factor is risky “big call” given were 900,000 Kiwis living overseas pre pandemic many wishing to return. Enjoy your analysis appreciate the “Guvner” responds and thanks for taking it directly to the belly of the beast 😀.