Aug 4, 2021Liked by Bernard Hickey

Want to get more houses for sale onto the market without increasing OCR

(a) because banks are in control of mortgages, the RBNZ could decree that mortgagee-borrowers can only dip into the public pot once, have one mortgage per borrower with maximum LVR of 70%

(b) limit the public pot to domestic savings

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Interesting insights on 'money circulation' on if or where people are sinking monies, ageing cohorts habits and iphone evolution thus app development niche needing little infrastructure making mega bucks. As for the 50% increase in PR spending for arse covering makes the govt look a wee bit dishonest. As for the drop in unemployment and some raise in wages I wonder the quality and hours of the jobs and what meaningful advancement/training is occurring especially with the Mummy track and most precariat and working poor re-employed contenders are getting beyond been hired a blunt tool. Although refreshing that the Govt has invested in training over in the last year in vocation training so maybe this is reflected.

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