Bernard, thankyou for advocating an alternative political vision (on our behalf - rest assured! We need people to speak-up louder for us); I would like to, but I'm not going to because I don't want my name or those those of my friends and acquaintances to be dragged through the dirt in the national/social media. The public shaming and Fa…
Bernard, thankyou for advocating an alternative political vision (on our behalf - rest assured! We need people to speak-up louder for us); I would like to, but I'm not going to because I don't want my name or those those of my friends and acquaintances to be dragged through the dirt in the national/social media. The public shaming and Facebook lynch-mobs, and potential legal and economic consequences require discretion.
We live in a society in which an All Black guilty of a vicious assault and violent threats gets-off with a punishment that doesn't even amount to a slap with a wet bus ticket, while 'essential' workers who go to their job one day and get accidentally infected with an almost unstoppably virulent disease suffer worse consequences. This country has lost the plot - no I won't cooperate (for the record: the only time I've left my house is to vaccinated. I care, I'm afraid - but I can't afford to be, I'm swamped by anxieties that've been building for a decade and more... I don't know what to do Bernard, I don't want to be here anymore - I'm ready to roll the dice on COVID, with the shot in my arm; such is life on the margins).
And that is exactly why this lockdown is failing. You're not seeing it, because you're not here, you don't know any of us ... I've got a sinking feeling. We have so much to worry about, so many fears for the/our future - and where does COVID even rate next to global warming, the housing crisis (we can't afford to live where we live, we're not even allowed to move), etc. People are more afraid of authority now than they are of the virus. There's no shitty self-selecting Facebook poll that's gonna capture this acutely-targeted distress, because nobody is asking us, nobody is attentive to our advocates. We're not idiots, or ignorant (Kelvin Davis ... you Ffff ...).
Bernard, thankyou for advocating an alternative political vision (on our behalf - rest assured! We need people to speak-up louder for us); I would like to, but I'm not going to because I don't want my name or those those of my friends and acquaintances to be dragged through the dirt in the national/social media. The public shaming and Facebook lynch-mobs, and potential legal and economic consequences require discretion.
We live in a society in which an All Black guilty of a vicious assault and violent threats gets-off with a punishment that doesn't even amount to a slap with a wet bus ticket, while 'essential' workers who go to their job one day and get accidentally infected with an almost unstoppably virulent disease suffer worse consequences. This country has lost the plot - no I won't cooperate (for the record: the only time I've left my house is to vaccinated. I care, I'm afraid - but I can't afford to be, I'm swamped by anxieties that've been building for a decade and more... I don't know what to do Bernard, I don't want to be here anymore - I'm ready to roll the dice on COVID, with the shot in my arm; such is life on the margins).
And that is exactly why this lockdown is failing. You're not seeing it, because you're not here, you don't know any of us ... I've got a sinking feeling. We have so much to worry about, so many fears for the/our future - and where does COVID even rate next to global warming, the housing crisis (we can't afford to live where we live, we're not even allowed to move), etc. People are more afraid of authority now than they are of the virus. There's no shitty self-selecting Facebook poll that's gonna capture this acutely-targeted distress, because nobody is asking us, nobody is attentive to our advocates. We're not idiots, or ignorant (Kelvin Davis ... you Ffff ...).
Thanks Barly. Completely understand the reluctance. Be safe. Things will get better. One way or another. Thanks.