Here we go again... Whenever the banks and real estate industry announce "green shoots in the housing market", it always sounds to me like "lease payments due on the BMW"

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Here is the audio of Simon O Connor.


‘ Auckland National MP Simon O’Connor that families needed both a father and a mother, which Labour MPs portrayed as extremist and homophobic.’ is an interesting conclusion to reach

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How unusual. A hyperbolistic response from one major political party to the statements made in the house by a member of another. I agree that "extremist and homophobic" is an excessive response. However, the micro-aggression and hetero-normative over-cultural privilege in Simon O'Connor's (very deliberate) choice of words is a great exemplar of the ignorance (wilful or unconscious) of the damage inflicted on members of our diverse society who live in different family structures and in different ways than the majority. It is not enough that members of majorities say they have no ambivalence toward minorities if their speech continues to exclude the realities and very existence of those minorities.

I concede that it is incredibly difficult to avoid this exclusion, as it does seem to be human nature to assume that everyone is like (in my case) me and therefore shares my perceptions and beliefs.

So was Simon O'Connor extremist and homophobic? I personally can't get to extremism. Homophobic? Probably. I don't think these labels are a useful response, however, if the goal is to use the situation to provide wider public education of diversity, inclusion, and the fact that our (my) assumptions about what can hurt and offend others is frequently incorrect because it is incredibly difficult to see our (my) privilege arising from being a member of various majorities and having no knowledge of what it's like to not be in that majority.

But that probably wasn't the goal of calling those comments extremist and homophobic. The goal was more likely an attempt to add to the narrative that National is a party for white, colonial, patriarchal, Christian ideals and out of touch with the world we live in today.

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Oh, I forgot to add this link: https://ondemand.parliament.nz/parliament-tv-on-demand/?itemId=233293

Simon O'Connor's words here are around the 1m30s mark

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71% of NZers are white. What happened to judging people by the content of their character rather than the colour of their skin.

Never ceases to amaze me that insulting people and name calling is an unsuccessful tactic to win people over to one’s point of view.

Unfortunately that narrative doesn’t fit with reality. Nats have had more female leaders than labour 3 to 2, and more Māori ones but narrative matter more than facts these days.

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How about fertiliser levy that goes into a fund for climate related farm recovery? Insufficient levy equals shitty payouts when you need it. Let's give farmers some skin in the game. This delay, delay, delay is wearing thin.

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I think the farmer lobby needs to get real. They want sequestration credit for every flax bush and manuka while receiving a 95 percent discount on their substantial emissions. Their bills under the most recently rejected proposals equate to just cents on every kilo of meat or litre of milk. It's time for the innovative farmers to take control of their lobby groups and commit to some real progress.

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Absolutely agree. As someone suggested recently, get someone from Qurum Sense on the Hoon to explain what innovated farmers are actually doing for th benefit of the industry.

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I couldn't believe it when I saw the development those Hastings NIMBY'S are opposing..it's only 10 dwellings, they all seem to have outdoor space, 4 of them are stand alone houses, there looks to be a big driveway, and the rest of it is only 2 stories...I'm not sure you could really describe it as being packed in like sardines. I wonder where they think all the people on the state house waiting list should live?

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I'd be interested to hear Mike Joy on The Hoon.

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"Data this morning from CoreLogic and Realestate.co.nz show a bottoming out of an 18-month slide in house values in a tightening market, with listings at a 16-year low in May. Sellers are happy and able to sit on their hands"

Bernard this is surely a statement of magical thinking. You have left out an important word: NEW listings at a 16-year low. The number of listings is the highest since I have been paying attention (8 years). And as to Sellers being happy..... lol

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I can't believe an expectation that house prices are going to increase again is described as 'brightening'. i want to cry. Are we heading to 2 million for a small 3-bed entry level home in Auckland in 10-15 years' time. Is this what WE want??????

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