Oct 20, 2022Liked by Bernard Hickey

Open it up 🙌

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Bernard I think you really need to rethink your position on energy security, especially in the short to medium term, that anything apart from green energy investment can be considered ‘bad’. A key reason for the chaos in the UK is state of energy prices, caused by a lack of energy security via lack of domestic investment in hydrocarbon and investment and green energy generation not able to support demand.

This should be a lesson to NZ that this global energy transition is going to be messy and we MUST secure domestic supply in the short to medium term probably via gas. We risk causing massive harm to the poorest in our society that will pay this price for it if we don’t get it right.

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Bernard Hickey

Luxon can't make a U turn without it costing him the leadership or National the election, posdibly both.

Tax cuts are National's go to policy since the dawn of time. It's almost all they've got.

He will rely on the fact NZers aren't suffering as much as the UK, despite best efforts of the media to portray it that way. Unfortunately there's enough voters in NZ who still believe in trickle down, still think tax cuts will get them the desired ticket to the millionaire club and who deny climate change has any effect on us.

The unfortunate outcome is this will not put a pressure on Labour to WIN the next elections but rather let National loose it so if I had a bit of hope left that Labour do something transformational I might be disappointed again.

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Bernard Hickey

Yes indeed Bernard, these are wise words from Conservative MP Charles Walker. So are these hot mic remarks from Channel 4 presenter Krishnan Guru-Murthy about Irish Minister Steve Baker.


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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Bernard Hickey

Bernard, you’ve got a real thing for tax cuts for the ‘rich.’ 2 easy Qs: How much revenue will the IRD loose if this is implemented and how does it compare to the white elephants like Light Rail? Government wastage is the issue, you were critical of the $53B in QE and $9B shortfall from bond repurchasing. Add in consultants, Harbour Bridge crossings, cost of living payments to the dead and cap it off with the millions given without ACCOUNT to Maori for vaccination ie zero deliverable metrics or demonstration of effect.

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As usual historians are on to it. Last night on UK Times radio an analysis was done on when three PM’s in one year and the economic similarities where Bank of England refused to support the Government of the day in provision of food to the citizens causing the Irish famine and mass casualties and destroying the Union in its wake. So not new of course and same suspects every time.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Bernard Hickey

I hope you have released this Bernard to all. I am going to choke on "The rising tide raises all boats' and GDP "growth" is good . All of Luxon's statements and that of his deputy are based on old 20th century discredited economics but they will be parroted in all the "blue rinse" brigades soirees as usual. Thanks for the evidence base. At least the Bond Vigilantes are "Getting It".

By the way how about doing an evidence base on the Groundswell idiots wasting yet more of their precious diesel protesting so they can continue to trash the Planet ( see George Monbiot "Regenesis"). Some of us are Toitu certified and pay for use of oil and gas by carbon credits for our consumption. They stick to their Magical Thinking Pasture fed agriculture which in 50 years the world may not want.

Patrick Medlicott

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Thank you for the estimate.

The BMJ article doesn’t address the key question “was the money given to Maori a good return on investment.” For example, could it have been spent elsewhere and achieved better outcomes. Foetal alcohol syndrome is a massive problem in Maori leading to failure in the education system, increased rates of social support and criminal convictions. Answering this requires a full economic assessment which will not happen. The following may give a crude benchmark using influenza vaccination costs from 20yrsago. The number of doses sold was less than 1-million and the public price was under $10/vaccine, some of which was purchased privately. Add in reimbursement for vaccinator costs and education roll out and you have a number that is a single figure percentage of our COVID-19 costs for Maori alone. The abuse and misallocation of funds is criminal.

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My cat’s hairdresser said he’s resigning. A baseless rumour, but articles have been written on less

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