Bernard. I am concerned by the widening of the rich/poor gap during covid evidenced by the rapid rise in house and rental prices. At the same time the massive public debt burden will fall on the shoulders of the next generation many of whom will never be able to afford a house unless they are in the 10% with wealthy parents. Im in that b…
Bernard. I am concerned by the widening of the rich/poor gap during covid evidenced by the rapid rise in house and rental prices. At the same time the massive public debt burden will fall on the shoulders of the next generation many of whom will never be able to afford a house unless they are in the 10% with wealthy parents. Im in that bracket but increasingly uncomfortable as this just further widens the divide. Money brings better education, health, job opportunities, lifetime income, general wellbeing, but more and more of NZ stuck in welfare dependency and poverty isnt good. No turkey votes for an early Xmas so it takes leadership, so far Im hearing a lot of buzzing coming out of the beehive, but no solutions to the problem. What do you think should be done to turn the corner without completely derailing the train?
Thanks John. I'm less concerned about the debt. It can be rolled and inflated away. I'd much prefer the Crown borrowed to invest in affordable houses and climate infrastructure, funded by the proceeds of a land tax.
Bernard. I am concerned by the widening of the rich/poor gap during covid evidenced by the rapid rise in house and rental prices. At the same time the massive public debt burden will fall on the shoulders of the next generation many of whom will never be able to afford a house unless they are in the 10% with wealthy parents. Im in that bracket but increasingly uncomfortable as this just further widens the divide. Money brings better education, health, job opportunities, lifetime income, general wellbeing, but more and more of NZ stuck in welfare dependency and poverty isnt good. No turkey votes for an early Xmas so it takes leadership, so far Im hearing a lot of buzzing coming out of the beehive, but no solutions to the problem. What do you think should be done to turn the corner without completely derailing the train?
Thanks John. I'm less concerned about the debt. It can be rolled and inflated away. I'd much prefer the Crown borrowed to invest in affordable houses and climate infrastructure, funded by the proceeds of a land tax.
Unfortunately this govt has a pitiful track record. They dont deliver on policies but borrow and spend on vanity projects. ☹️