Bernard, did any country pursue a helicopter money no QE response? As a small country in the middle of nowhere wouldn’t our currency have been so out of step globally (U.K./EU/Aussie/USA) that it would have walloped our exporters?
Bernard, did any country pursue a helicopter money no QE response? As a small country in the middle of nowhere wouldn’t our currency have been so out of step globally (U.K./EU/Aussie/USA) that it would have walloped our exporters?
None that I've seen, although Australia and America did versions of helicopter money financed indirectly by money printing. A lower currency would not have been a bad thing for our exporters.
Bernard, did any country pursue a helicopter money no QE response? As a small country in the middle of nowhere wouldn’t our currency have been so out of step globally (U.K./EU/Aussie/USA) that it would have walloped our exporters?
None that I've seen, although Australia and America did versions of helicopter money financed indirectly by money printing. A lower currency would not have been a bad thing for our exporters.