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My blood pressure rises when I hear that a ‘market study or inquiry into ‘xyz’ could be announced etc etc’. In a time of national and global uncertainty on several fronts, such obvious delaying tactics is just not good enough. It is time for decisions to be made that actually address economic uncertainty, climate change, inequality and other social issues. Our futures depend on action, so if not this government, then who?

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Yes Alex agreed. I feel like I'm in a night mare being chased by the wolf and my legs wont work.

What we need is a coalition of Greens, TOP, and Te Pati Maori - jump the fence into a totally different vision of where we are going

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Exactly, a radical move to the left is what is needed.

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That might give you 20% at best, up against at least another 60% who are wedded to the status quo. It's tough.

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Oh Bernard, add air - you know like a sponge cake. Your job must be damnably spirit dampening, but I doubt that many of our ancestors got to this country by adding up certainties. Time to flap our wings and get a more accurate perception of our situation.

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Appearance of action is often enough in a political sense, given our short little spans of attention amidst all the moving feasts of variables and events.

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"Minister, two basic rules of government: Never look into anything you don't have to. And never set up an enquiry unless you know in advance what its findings will be."

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At least it won't be an internal inquiry, with secret terms of reference ( Uffendell )


"The job of a well conducted internal enquiry is to unearth a great mass of no evidence. If you say there was no intention, you can be proved wrong. But if you say the enquiry found no evidence of intention, you can't be proved wrong!"

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Haha, funny, sad, and so true, thanks for the humour, we need it.

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Me too Alex, me too. How to not do something as a government, while pretending to do something, has become a well honed specialty of both major parties

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Completely agree. The way I scoffed and shook with rage when the quote reached "if we [labour] are reelected".

While not really limited to NZ, we are being failed by the politicisation of clear-cut issues affecting the majority.

Who will show us real leadership? So far, Chris Hipkins has shown very little.

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