Hi Bernard. I can understand but not accept the closing of rural branches in view of their excessive profits. I am most concerned about the absence of change machines. Westpac has a great change machine available (3 in Hamilton that I know). Businesses need them to get change for their float but many people have to travel to get access. …
Hi Bernard. I can understand but not accept the closing of rural branches in view of their excessive profits. I am most concerned about the absence of change machines. Westpac has a great change machine available (3 in Hamilton that I know). Businesses need them to get change for their float but many people have to travel to get access. If banks are to close, how about requiring them to have change machines more readily available. (From Trudi)
Hi Bernard. I can understand but not accept the closing of rural branches in view of their excessive profits. I am most concerned about the absence of change machines. Westpac has a great change machine available (3 in Hamilton that I know). Businesses need them to get change for their float but many people have to travel to get access. If banks are to close, how about requiring them to have change machines more readily available. (From Trudi)
Interesting point. Thanks Trudi.