“NZ economy is a housing Market with a bit tacked on. “You have said it before many times and it is true Bernard. Can you hammer this a bit more please and release to all. Home owning voters are worried yet again by their property values falling and will even elect a fascist government if they think it is going to continue. Good luck.
Patrick Medlicott
“NZ economy is a housing Market with a bit tacked on. “You have said it before many times and it is true Bernard. Can you hammer this a bit more please and release to all. Home owning voters are worried yet again by their property values falling and will even elect a fascist government if they think it is going to continue. Good luck.
I appreciate that you keep the core high priority topics visible, while still taking time to address the day to day. Especially the deep diving into underlying/historical causes, ongoing impacts etc. I've only been subscribed for a few months but I feel so much better informed. Thanks
not all home owning voters. I am a home owning voter and would like residential property prices to fall/reduce substantially ( to 2017 levels/prices (although I would have sympathy for first home buyers who have purchased in the last 5 years)). ( probably will not vote in the next election though because there is no party that has policies I believe to be important/necessary).
GREED is an extremely serious problem in New Zealand.
“NZ economy is a housing Market with a bit tacked on. “You have said it before many times and it is true Bernard. Can you hammer this a bit more please and release to all. Home owning voters are worried yet again by their property values falling and will even elect a fascist government if they think it is going to continue. Good luck.
Patrick Medlicott
Thanks Patrick. I have to be careful not to bore people. I try to have something new to say, or at least some new flavours of the same basic meal.
Thank you I know how difficult it is
I appreciate that you keep the core high priority topics visible, while still taking time to address the day to day. Especially the deep diving into underlying/historical causes, ongoing impacts etc. I've only been subscribed for a few months but I feel so much better informed. Thanks
not all home owning voters. I am a home owning voter and would like residential property prices to fall/reduce substantially ( to 2017 levels/prices (although I would have sympathy for first home buyers who have purchased in the last 5 years)). ( probably will not vote in the next election though because there is no party that has policies I believe to be important/necessary).
GREED is an extremely serious problem in New Zealand.