Can't recall you joining the voices warning about closing the refinery. Hindsight Harry strikes again.

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Where can I find a pile of burning opium and hashis? I haven’t laughed like that in years

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“… a pile of burning heroine.” Bernard, have you got a rom-com spellchecker?

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That’s the second take I’ve read this week of a fear of what happens when you have an abundance of highly educated, unemployed people. Both framed like it’s a problem. Doesn’t that just mean people experience how shit the system is but have the training to do something about it? When the foundations are buggered, and those in power refuse to repair them... maybe dynamite is what’s needed?

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Good to listen to interview with Singapore foreign minister. Interested in his clear position of not taking sides between the US and China as too does Jane Kelsey in this recent short interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2soT8euk94. It is good to listen to someone from Singapore describing a similar position to ourselves. Jane sees our pm's latest moves towards the US as unhelpful. I agree and also agree with Jane that there is a major need for public discussion to clarify our foreign policy under changing world relationships.

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