This government is showing its true colours of being a government of the rich, for the rich. Tolling a highway in a low socio economic area, landlord tax cuts, tax cuts predominantly for the rich, a pm who thought he had an entitlement to an accomodation allowance, KO building stoppage, cuts to the health system with a part timer now in charge. Sad 😭
This government is showing its true colours of being a government of the rich, for the rich. Tolling a highway in a low socio economic area, landlord tax cuts, tax cuts predominantly for the rich, a pm who thought he had an entitlement to an accomodation allowance, KO building stoppage, cuts to the health system with a part timer now in charge. Sad 😭
This government is showing its true colours of being a government of the rich, for the rich. Tolling a highway in a low socio economic area, landlord tax cuts, tax cuts predominantly for the rich, a pm who thought he had an entitlement to an accomodation allowance, KO building stoppage, cuts to the health system with a part timer now in charge. Sad 😭