In the late 1970s and early 80s Muldoon moved the country perilously close to a dictatorship by making all decisions through the Executive Council/Cabinet (who were terrified of challenging him), reducing the time Parliament was in session and making life very difficult for the media.

The Fast Track Approvals Bill and other fast-track legislative changes are making Muldoon look tame. Sir Geoffrey Palmer,who was instrumental in getting Parliamentary governance back on a democratic track, must be appalled. As are the rest of us.

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Tēnā koe, Bernard.

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This coalition government has one term written all over it, however election defeat will not be due to the Labour Party’s efforts but rather a surge in support for the Greens and Maori Party. I have never seen the support wheels come off a new government so quickly.

The opposition parties need to make clear, that any approvals under the new fast track legislation will be reversed after change of government without compensation to the applicants. Applicants will then proceed at their risk.

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Bernard please consider opening up this post, or post on Linked In, this is information people need to know. Thanks for your excellent journalism.

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Please open this post Bernard. This is urgent.

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I am concerned at the constitutional implications of the bill but is enabling Far North Solar Farm to build the country’s largest solar farm in the Mackenzie Basin such a bad thing, given the need to de-carbonise the economy?

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It makes me happy to hear about some militant actions from Generation rent. The deck is stacked heavily for the other side unfortunately as evidenced by the migration numbers exiting to Australia

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The Environment Select Committee will be hearing submissions on the Fast-Track Approvals Bill.

According to the Parliamentary website the Environment Select Committee members includes the Parliamentary Undersecretary for Infrastructure and Resource Management Reform.

Wonder if the Parliamentary Undersecretary will declare a conflict of interest and not take part in the hearing of submissions on the Bill.

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Release please Bernard

This sort of rampant dictatorship of the ignorant will endanger our grandchildren and their children to feed the capitalist machine so the rich pricks will become richer and the rest of us slaves to the three headed Taniwha.

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Thank you so much Bernard for writing so astutely about this issue. Please, please open this up - I see what is happening with total dismay. It is the worst of attacks on the democratic process in NZ and I believe we must all stand up against what is happening. Knowledge of this needs to be shared widely, and not only on LinkedIn.


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Thank you, Bernard for such a comprehensive coverage. Many people are angry and making submissions. I just hope that the selection of older people around me are not representative. They do not really know that anything unusual is happening and they vote. As I say, I hope they do not represent the majority in that demographic .

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.... Bernard you refer to "the blind frogs.... Jones enjoys making fun of". This is only a small part of a littany of appalling comment made by Shane Jones in the following video. It should be compulsory watching in it's entirety. It makes for harrowing watching.


The contempt for environmental science, scorn for climate change action and don't care attitude to agricultural damage and water pollution is bad enough. However the Minister's intent to not only make fun of but delight in rubbing noses in it, is frighteningly ugly and vindictive (as are the smirks and smiles from Costello? sitting alongside).

His rantings make a crystal clear statement of why we should be so very anxious about the passing of this new legislation. Intent is quite unveiled and these words originate from one of the three ministers who will take such power under the legislation.

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Good coverage of the fast track bill. Important that its enormously misguided processes and likely impacts are widely understood.

Ralph Chapman

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Kia ora please open this post to everyone. It is such appalling legislation

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Yes I made a submission at 23:51 last night, more of a stake in the ground. After expressing concerns on extraordinary powers. My comments were more related to the shonky drive a bus through obligations of prospers and panel. eg I said that the requirements for proposal submission documents were extremely sketchy and didn’t even have a requirement to describe and detail mitigations for anticipated adverse effects. And a few other things that I hadn’t heard picked up by the media.

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proposers not prospers

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