Morning Bernard

Liked your suggestion of police “letting anti-establishmenters out of a cordoned off area at parliament - then packing them off home”.

These anti’s most prized possession will be their vehicles, having these towed away will break the backbone.

My worry with the likes of “Coutts” showing up, the righties (Seymour & co.) start gaining support from the underprivileged class as happened with TRUMPISM.

Finally I have a son in commercial real estate, he tells me a number of home investors (rental landlords) have switched their portfolio to commercial. Is there any evidence this is in fact happening?? What would the gain be, maybe tax advantages.

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I don’t know if there is a way to cut off cell reception/data to the area, but given how this protest feeds on and is feeding social media, finding a way to disrupt networking would deprave the area of the rage-fuel it needs to persist. I also like the idea of a big visual-blocking wall so that they can’t be seen from parliament, which will create claustrophobia, although that might just result in overspill…

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I really enjoy hearing from your guests Bernard, they bring more perspectives which help me see a bigger picture. Thanks for doing these pieces. I'm glad to hear the protest has calmed somewhat; I have a family member who works on the Terrace & she's reported experiencing some unpleasantness getting thru the throng & is really tired of the drama. I'm vaxxed & boosted & now feel mandates are irrelevant ( I was never all that keen once we'd scared enough people into getting vaxxed) so I'm often caught between my pro & anti vax friends who hold more fundamentalist positions. It was good to hear Thomas talking about how the pro-vax team needs to drop its "high moral rhetoric". I don't think ad hominum attacks ever make things better. Name calling from both sides has been totally unhelpful. I hope we're not creating a Trump supporter type disgruntled minority here just by forcing people to act against their will without really acknowledging those trust issues Thomas mentioned. Let alone whether people trust Big Pharma..

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what will happen if Covid starts to spread through the Protest convoy??? That will be real test of opinions.

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Hi Bernard. Can you please ask at the presser what the numbers are for non-vaccinated, dble-vaccinated and dble-vac + booster for those who have tested positive for Covid each day and those hospitalised. And can they give the Covid-Delta v Covid-Omicron numbers as well. That seems relevant to me. Thanks.

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