Really interesting ground covered but I would have to say that there is a very deep mistrust of Government in New Zealand. When having to rely on services most of us become acutely aware of the failed state services and corruption we have to face. None of this is reported by traditional media and the class system and gatekeeping to prevent information getting out is obvious to most citizens. Particularly women, children and the vulnerable, deprived, brutalised or ill. We all know this the state is toxic masculinity and greed with very low standards of service and behaviour to abuse without consequence or ethical reporting. Agree with Bernard that there is deep damage in society and the lid will not be kept on it all for much longer despite the Crowns best efforts to do so over many decades. If Covid is allowed to get in the cracks will appear very quickly to the everyones detriment. The noise of covid does keep the media cycle from focusing on these underlying problems which may be preferred by Governments than being accountable and transparent for what they have enabled, done and covered up themselves. They all seem a bit desperate to me at this point and once the failed to stop covid getting into Auckland with the ridiculous "Aussie bubble" no one was ready for and its debateable whether we will be ready for a catastophe of this proportion anytime soon.

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Hi Bernard, the sound on the podcast is clear, but there are distracting low level bumps and thumps all the way through. I think it’s from things hitting desk surfaces or similar, maybe cause mics on laptops being used. Can you check it out, thanks Paul

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