All that borrowed money for tripling the capacity of a highway that isn't anywhere near capacity now. I detect the hand of Shane Jones in this. Every time he stands for election, he reminds us of what he got for Northland. It's a bribe. Never mind whether it's sensible or affordable, Jones is doing it for himself. Despicable man.
All that borrowed money for tripling the capacity of a highway that isn't anywhere near capacity now. I detect the hand of Shane Jones in this. Every time he stands for election, he reminds us of what he got for Northland. It's a bribe. Never mind whether it's sensible or affordable, Jones is doing it for himself. Despicable man.
All that borrowed money for tripling the capacity of a highway that isn't anywhere near capacity now. I detect the hand of Shane Jones in this. Every time he stands for election, he reminds us of what he got for Northland. It's a bribe. Never mind whether it's sensible or affordable, Jones is doing it for himself. Despicable man.