Featuring the Hoon podcast hosted by Bernard Hickey & Peter Bale, with Cathrine Dyer on climate news and Robert Patman on geo-politics, plus special guest Paul Taylor on Macron's mess
Nail clinics! lol, Bernard!! Women of almost all sociodemographics can now get their nails done by having a 3rd world even-poorer person glue coloured plastic to their nails. It wrecks ones nails (the irony is, one then thinks ones natural nails are terrible, so you have to keep doing it). Yet another consumer item that starts with fossil fuels, pollutes on its way, ends in landfill, and has become a must-have money sink for those who want to 'fit in/look nice'.....
Nail clinics! lol, Bernard!! Women of almost all sociodemographics can now get their nails done by having a 3rd world even-poorer person glue coloured plastic to their nails. It wrecks ones nails (the irony is, one then thinks ones natural nails are terrible, so you have to keep doing it). Yet another consumer item that starts with fossil fuels, pollutes on its way, ends in landfill, and has become a must-have money sink for those who want to 'fit in/look nice'.....