Is it hypocritical to advocate Israel’s right to defend itself (code for commit genocide and ethnic cleansing) and in the next breath label Hamas terrorists for resisting 25 years of a brutal and oppressive confinement to a concentration camp. I’m not surprised to see Peter squirming around the notion of genocide as hypocrisy induces that.

Electronic Intifada have dissected the blatant and shocking propaganda coming out of Israel and the international media’s willingness to report it. https://youtu.be/pMqRK5LpGy4?si=uxyLLbGecE15cSUA

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Nothing happens in a vacuum whether it is in Gaza/Israel or Ukraine.

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Loved hearing perspectives from Carmen Parahi

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Yes ..so very grateful for the COVID response by our Government and Ministry of Health at that time . 👍Dipping into look at the UK COVID enquirey is quite terrifying ..

So very grateful I live here.

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Loved hearing from Carmen: kia pū te hau o mihi ki a koe e te huia kaimanawa. As one who talked publicly about whether the government will last three years, in an article for E-Tangata I called attention to the context and six implementation risks. I was not saying implosion is inevitable. I was proposing a set of risks that need active management if the government is to successfully deliver on its promises. PS: enjoy the podcast, and esp. like the new time slot.

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Wondering about the public service being instructed to remove use of Te Reo in communication. What happens if one simply doesn't follow this directive and continues flavoring the communication with Māori words?

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Really enjoyed the hoon discussion but am concerned that you Bernard are the only commentator I have heard about Nicola Willis completely false misleading hyperbole she uttered in outrage about how catastrophic and disastrous Grant Robinson had left the fiscal books ! I was so pleased you went on RNZ Wallace Chapman panel that same day about 4-5 ish and stated how dangerous she was and no other incoming had done that except two occasions, Muldoon one of them, when it was actually true.

BUT what really concerns me is no other journalist has been on record that I have heard or read to emphasis her misinformation. Grant Robinson uttered one sentence rebuff but not enough. Luke Malpass was pathetic he glossed over said it’s what incoming governments tend to do! This National party are getting away with dirty politics right from start as far as the perfectly good and normal economic AAA rating low unemployment perfectly sound state of the forecasted budget that Grant left .


Sigrid Campbell

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