Bernard, I am deeply frustrated by the way Peter constantly interrupts you and the interesting people that are invited onto The Hoon. I stopped listening for several months because I found it so maddening that no-one is given the opportunity to finish sentences or fully answer questions. I tuned in for this week's episode and left after …
Bernard, I am deeply frustrated by the way Peter constantly interrupts you and the interesting people that are invited onto The Hoon. I stopped listening for several months because I found it so maddening that no-one is given the opportunity to finish sentences or fully answer questions. I tuned in for this week's episode and left after 7 minutes because I couldn't stand all the interruptions. Peter, you are clearly very well informed and have interesting insights and questions, but the subscription is for The Hoon, not the Peter Bale show. Please respect your guests and co-host by giving them the space to do their thing. I'd be very interested to hear you and Bernard interview Michael Bassett on why he supports the Hobson's Pledge (and Don Brash on his position on monetary policy for that matter) because I am baffled by people who hold such views, but it would only be illuminating if they were able to speak for long enough actually explain themselves.
Bernard, I am deeply frustrated by the way Peter constantly interrupts you and the interesting people that are invited onto The Hoon. I stopped listening for several months because I found it so maddening that no-one is given the opportunity to finish sentences or fully answer questions. I tuned in for this week's episode and left after 7 minutes because I couldn't stand all the interruptions. Peter, you are clearly very well informed and have interesting insights and questions, but the subscription is for The Hoon, not the Peter Bale show. Please respect your guests and co-host by giving them the space to do their thing. I'd be very interested to hear you and Bernard interview Michael Bassett on why he supports the Hobson's Pledge (and Don Brash on his position on monetary policy for that matter) because I am baffled by people who hold such views, but it would only be illuminating if they were able to speak for long enough actually explain themselves.