Bernard writes: "That's because once you bring in a wealth tax, you are essentially increasing the size of the government." I am not sure I understand this relationship - size of government increasing because tax take has grown? an issue to do with tax on government properties? Any clarification of this would be very welcome. Thanks.
Bernard writes: "That's because once you bring in a wealth tax, you are essentially increasing the size of the government." I am not sure I understand this relationship - size of government increasing because tax take has grown? an issue to do with tax on government properties? Any clarification of this would be very welcome. Thanks.
Bernard writes: "That's because once you bring in a wealth tax, you are essentially increasing the size of the government." I am not sure I understand this relationship - size of government increasing because tax take has grown? an issue to do with tax on government properties? Any clarification of this would be very welcome. Thanks.