Thank you Bernard I think reiterating the 30% government target is crucial even if your paid subscribers know this. It must change if we are to achieve equality & at the very least a health service which results in healthy folk who are productive & therefore improve economy.
Thank you Bernard I think reiterating the 30% government target is crucial even if your paid subscribers know this. It must change if we are to achieve equality & at the very least a health service which results in healthy folk who are productive & therefore improve economy.
1. Health
2. Education
3. Reduce child poverty (1 & 2)
4. Housing for all, not luxury homes for the wealthy & middle class.
Thank you Bernard I think reiterating the 30% government target is crucial even if your paid subscribers know this. It must change if we are to achieve equality & at the very least a health service which results in healthy folk who are productive & therefore improve economy.
1. Health
2. Education
3. Reduce child poverty (1 & 2)
4. Housing for all, not luxury homes for the wealthy & middle class.
Please release to all.
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