Roosting chorus: RBNZ to print, then restrict
Reserve Bank plans another $28b of money printing and near-zero-percent lending, but only after bringing forward LVR reintroduction by two months to March; Landlords scramble to buy more before then
TLDR: The Reserve Bank surprised a few by bringing forward the reimposition of LVR restrictions, but only by two months to March. That leaves four months for landlords to scramble to gear up their equity with bank loans funded by another $28b of freshly printed near-zero-percent money from the central bank.
National’s Caucus and its leader Judith Collins chose a fresh shadow ministry, replacing Paul Goldsmith as Finance Spokesman with a ‘twofer’ of Collins-loyalist Andrew Bayly as Shadow Treasurer (Revenue) and Michael Woodhouse as Finance and Transports spokesman.
News that broke today in our political economy

News that broke today in the global political economy

News that broke today in business and markets
The Kiwi dollar jumped as traders reduced expectations of negative interest rates here. SkyTV shares jumped after announcing less churn and a higher profit outlook, despite a lack of Rugby coverage during the winter and spring.

Chart of the day
Bank lending to businesses since February has fallen a net $4.5b, as this Reserve Bank chart showed.
Signs ‘o the times links
Places I spoke or wrote or appeared today

Some fun things
Coming up…
Tomorrow Nov 12 - 10.45 am - Stats NZ to publish travel and migration data for September.
Tomorrow Nov 12 - 8.30 am - Sanford to publish full annual results to NZX, but it gave an early indication on Nov 5 of a 46% fall due to Covid-19.
Tomorrow Nov 12 - 10 am - Infratil will brief investors, analysts and media on its half year results and strategy.
Tomorrow Nov 12 - 6pm - Epidemiologist David Skegg to deliver Frank Holmes lecutureon Covid-19 at Old Government Buildings, Lecture Theatre 1 in Wellington
Fri Nov 13 at 10 am - Business NZ-BNZ Purchasing Managers Index for October
Fri Nov 13 at 10.45 am - Stats NZ to publish rental price indexes for October.
Mon Nov 16 at 10.45 am - Stats NZ to publish wellbeing statistics for September quarter.
Sat Nov 21 - National Party AGM due to vote on re-election of President Peter Goodfellow.
Weds Nov 25 - 2pm - Reserve Bank to publish six monthly Financial Stability Report (FSR) . Expected to warn of re-imposition of high LVR lending limits from May 1, 2021.
Weds Nov 25 - Opening of Parliament for 53rd term, including swearing in of new MPs
Thurs Nov 26 - Speech from the throne in Parliament outlining Government’s agenda
Ngā Mihi