I’m off on family leave in Australia so there will not be a Hoon at 5pm today. I’m also not planning to send a daily email and podcast until next week.
Totally support this - family comes first. The hoons have been nice lately with the daylight saving sun illuminating the participants but start them again only when it's right for you
It's fundamental that family comes first. Every time. My thoughts are with you both and your whanau member. Kia kaha.
Best wishes to you and your family member.
Safe travels and family always should take priority, nga mihi
Best wishes, Bernard and whanau. Take all the time you need.
Totally support this - family comes first. The hoons have been nice lately with the daylight saving sun illuminating the participants but start them again only when it's right for you
All the best to you and your family Bernard.
Snap. Flew out of Te Whanganui a Tara Wellington just before sunrise this morning.
As we headed over Cook Strait the sun sliced open the empty sky illuminating the horizon and setting fire to the clouds. Stunning. Cathartic.
Travel safe.
Best wishes to you and Lynn, and your whānau, Bernard.
Best wishes Bernard, thanks for all your work.
kia kaha, and look forward to having you back. Ongoing mayhem can be tough. ma te wa
Aroha nui ki a koe mō te whānau Bernard.
Go well, Bernard.
Look after yourself Bernard
Family always takes precedent. Take care and travel safe.
Safe travels Bernard and all the best to you and family.
Kia kaha, Bernard.
Family always comes first and have a good break