Ditto, Francisco. You took the words out if my mouth. And the words out of your mouth, Bernard, were totally appropriate in the circumstances. Thank you!
Ditto, Francisco. You took the words out if my mouth. And the words out of your mouth, Bernard, were totally appropriate in the circumstances. Thank you!
I came to the comments to backup this sentiment. Please keep doing what you do but I do see you have become less dispassionate over the last year plus and clearly it is getting to you. I hope this community gives you a little ray of hope :)
I don’t swear a heck of a lot, but it is absolutely crazy. We produce enough food fir millions, we have loads of space, we are good at renewable energy & we can’t give our most vulnerable a place to live that’s half way decent. It’s completely f.cked!
Ditto, Francisco. You took the words out if my mouth. And the words out of your mouth, Bernard, were totally appropriate in the circumstances. Thank you!
Thankyou. It will be very rare.
I came to the comments to backup this sentiment. Please keep doing what you do but I do see you have become less dispassionate over the last year plus and clearly it is getting to you. I hope this community gives you a little ray of hope :)
I don’t swear a heck of a lot, but it is absolutely crazy. We produce enough food fir millions, we have loads of space, we are good at renewable energy & we can’t give our most vulnerable a place to live that’s half way decent. It’s completely f.cked!