So ignorant to think people can thrive and be happy without a home they’d have to pay for via rent anyway while losing the wins, which have been in evidence since about 1066. Why is it even a debate? Anything else are invariably just unhealthy slums. Equally with Super funds, banks and Governments investing any public money and savings in the most toxic industries imaginable then also collapsing and being more and more liable to losses then investing in property is the most rational and arguably least harmful thing to do. If reform is undertaken on money creation, which is indeed created “out of thin air” and there is also a “money tree” sovereign Governments have and investment begins on the real capital which is human and the environmental capital we have on earth then this hairsplitting, finger pointing and division becomes able to be seen for what it is. Sociopathic. The BIG lie is this competition for money which is simply a constructed overlay on society not a science.

I was grateful the speakers were turned off as this podcast is excessively inclusive of only men for some very and inequitable, odd reason.

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Could not hear audio for Rafe or Jonathon

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Thanks Paul. We're having problems recording from Clubhouse. We'll fix for this coming week.

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