Let them eat cake...

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I would say to you: let them eat the cake left after I have had first go.

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The COC are driven by Atlas objectives. More money for the extremely rich??


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My heart is full of grief this summer.

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Yes, mine too.

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Anyone wonder why there is an increase in theft?

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The gaping holes in our much vaunted safety net, introduced during the depression of 1930s, are getting bigger. We all benefit from strong social protections. Until we can restore some sense, giving to socially progressive organisations is vital. Donate to your local group: https://afra.org.nz/

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Kia ora

This is both a vicious and virtuous cycle reflecting different politics.

This Government holds different assumptions about where social supports should come from and wants to pull back from what it considers is runaway spending continued after Covid. The Government expects the resulting gaps in provision will be met by the NGO social sector and that, as part of making that provision, those NGOs will receive less government support but much greater levels of private support from charitable giving and the like. For example, we have already seen this "system" at work with private donors stepping up to help the Buttabean food bank. That is just one example that senior ministers in this government consider is success.

It's a dilemma because many compassionate people will contribute to that success rather than tolerate inaction in the face of need.

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The word on the street is that PWC is shutting down its foundation, which has been teaching financial literacy in schools and setting up PWC consultants on community/charity boards in NZ, at the end of this year.

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Poverty is a choice made for people more often than it is made by them.

The government is punishing people for the poverty they are creating and exacerbating by their own policies, so they can turn around to their supporters and flaunt their application of discipline. No more handouts to the “undeserving” poor.

It is a morbidly perverse political morality play. Entirely unnecessary. Entirely for the performative aesthetics of being “tough”, and divorced from reality and evidence. Ideological fantasy land stuff. Just appallingly awful outcomes, and for nothing. Absolutely nothing.

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WTAF kind of cruel country are we turning into (have turned into). This is a choice. We can make different choices. 🥲

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So ok they are trying to curb those at the bottom end of town who try to get too much for nothing, fair enough as I think it is sometimes al to easy.

But they will only get my respect when they start going after the foreign privately owned banking fraternity who have been taking the most from us for nothing with their cooking of the books of the double debt book entry money supply for centuries now.

Both drain the middle class working poor, but the private bank fraud has drained us the most, so let's get after them also.

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Give me strength! So the government thinks its OK to cut public services past the bone, stop people getting the basics like FOOD, WARM DRY HOUSING and HEALTHCARE! Then we find that a major donor to the National Party - Winton Developers or Homes or whatever is now pressing for a massive transfer of public money to them for land they bought cheaply. See:-


This government, Luxon, Willis, Seymour and all are just plain CORRUPT!

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Great Article Bernard

Rich Pricks have created a “crisis “then tried to solve with Austerity for the rest of us. We are such a “poor country” or at least the other 80% are! Welcome to 2025.

Patrick Medlicott

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Somehow these four things feel related:

1.Melanie Nelson's opinion piece that Bernard linked to regarding the Regulatory Standards Bill. (So pleased this is getting the attention it deserves! Thanks Bernard.)

2. Andrew Bevan's article that Bernard linked to regarding Winton Property's letigiousness.

3. Ariana Wiliams giving an expose speech in Parliament regarding Winton Property Development and the Fast Track legislation


4. Russel Norman opposing the introduction of the Regulatory Standards Bill when it was introduced, for the 2nd time, back in 2011 and the specific examples he uses to back up his arguments.


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That Arena Williams speech is something.

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Arena! My name blunder - thanks for correcting.

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A cracking speech and the first time I'm seeing this. Did this make one news, or were they MIA as usual?

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No, not on One News, as far as I know. They were in other substacks - Nick's Korero, and Mountain Tui.

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The Russel Norman speech is also excellent. Thank you for sharing. btw: here is the link for submissions - given the MSM apparent lack of interest, we need to use every possible channel to draw attention to this abhorrent attempt at compromising parliaments right to legislate. https://consultation.regulation.govt.nz/rsb/have-your-say-on-regulatory-standards-bill/

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If I could like today's cleansing nature pic I would.

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I get very angry at the situation with poverty and the government saying they need to tighten their belt. It seems to me that we are ruled by some economic illiterate ideologues who are only self-interested. This is scary stuff

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Oh this is so very grim. And worse to come with what Upston has planned

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Agreed, and perhaps what Costello et al. are planning in aged care and dementia support

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Not good and only going to get worse, so i thought i would change tact and note all the positive (+) things that this coalition has done so far......................................................................................................................................Meri Kirihimete

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I posted this in the original note this morning, but I’m repeating it here (please forgive me if you’ve already read it). After reading the other stories and listening to the Dawn Chorus, I feel my comment deserves to be shared again. It refers to adequate kai as a core part of social security and human rights, but the same argument applies to adequate housing. Both are essential to ensuring the dignity and wellbeing of our communities.

Here is what I posted:

It’s heartbreaking and infuriating to see how this government’s austerity-driven, ideological decisions are leaving our communities struggling without enough kai. The harm caused by these cruel policies is undeniable, and the evidence is right there in this article.

By clinging to austerity and senseless short-term cost-cutting, this government is stripping away the support systems meant to protect our whānau in need. They’re focused on penny-pinching today while ignoring the long-term damage these policies cause to health, education, and the future wellbeing of our communities. It’s not just poor decision-making—it’s reckless and inhumane, showing no thought for the long-term consequences or the lives left in tatters.

This isn’t just bad policy—it’s a breach of our human rights. The Human Rights Commission highlights in their chapter on the right to social security how much this government is failing us. You can read more about it here: Right to Social Security https://tikatangata.org.nz//human-rights-in-aotearoa/right-to-social-security

I've added a second link: Right to Decent Housing: https://tikatangata.org.nz//human-rights-in-aotearoa/right-to-housing

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