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FYI from a reader: Hi. I'm near apoplectic on housing. There's no way the Reserve Bank can be blamed: they are bound by the mandate the Government sets. The Government is sovereign, and can do any damn thing it pleases. Or not, as appears to be the case. Things they ought to do: ram through a revised RMA that frees up land and gets rid of red tape; start rapidly building 100,000 state houses for lifetime rental tenure for all who want them; re-establish a State Advances Corporation to offer 40-year mortgages for would-be home-owners; ban banks from lending to property investors to buy existing houses, restricting investor lending to new builds only; and immediately introduce a land tax on all land except public recreational reserves and sovereign iwi land.

On sick leave, bypass the 10-day sick leave by extending ACC to cover ALL illness (paid for by increased levies) thus eliminating immediate cost for both employer and employee.

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