Master Builders' guarantee in the spotlight; New Covid wage subsidy prosecutions; New mega-polytech in crisis; the crazy dual rent subsidy system; Boris' MO revealed; The Craic
It's so simple really. Instead of channeling the insurance money through the builder, there should be a direct policy between the customer and MBA with the builder being a side party to stop them rorting the system.
Thanks Colin. I haven't had a close look at his speeches yet. He seems on an 'idea-finding' mission. Nothing too substantive yet, but he'll have to come with some policies soon-ish.
Ireland & NZ have a very similar sized population. 2020 to 27/6/2022 Ireland had 7499 official COVID deaths, 4800 excess deaths. NZ 1437 official & MINUS 1100 excess deaths.
Officials in Ireland didn't mention COVID to Luxon because of the embarrassment of "dying" X 5!
That makes NZ official COVID deaths 28.03 per 100000 or 1437 total NZ deaths.
In comparison Britain official COVID deaths 264.18 per 100000 or 13543 total NZ deaths.
Thanks David. Lots of reasons not to follow the Irish model. We'll ask some pointed of questions of Mr Luxon if he chooses to use Ireland as the model.
On 20/06/2022 pursuant to section 22 of the Terrorism Suppression Act 2002 (TSA), The Base & Proud Boys were designated as terrorist entities in NZ. If National is elected into Government will they renew the order in 2025?
Not sure we should be surprised at a Labour Govt handing massive amounts of money to the wealthy in the middle of a pandemic. They’ve pursued neoliberalism relentlessly since 1984. Why would they stop now?
Fair comment. It's just not with Labour's stated allegiances, or the way it's portrayed generally or by the Opposition, which did not protest at the wage subsidies and money printing.
Hmmm. As with the monicker “Labour Party,” calling the handout to business a “wage subsidy “ is deliberately setting out to mislead us. There were other options, some of which you have extolled yourself in this forum: direct payments to wage earners among them. Or simply calling the benefit payment to those who want socialised losses and privatised profits a “business handout” would have upset the rich intensely, exposing the great myths of free-marketeering. Perfidious lies underlying precious profits
What Mickey Mouse carrying on’s we have in this country. Chickens will come home to roost and I agree so many Government agencies need going over with a fine tooth comb to show how they’ve been robbing the poor to pay the rich and failing in their duties and obligations for so long and enabling others to do so against the interests of the most vulnerable as well. Clown show here as well.
Bernard, agree 100% with your criticsms of Treasury. Their neo lib economic views are straight out of a classical economics text book & they appear to have no understanding of how the real world operates. If only this government would grow a pair of social democratic balls & steer the public service in leftward different direction.
Thanks Dean. In the end, we get the public service we appoint, and the politicians we vote for. Both sides of politics have deduced this is what the median voter wants. And the median voter seems long as they own a house on land in the suburbs and a couple of double cab utes.
While the tertiary reforms regarding Te Pukenga haven't been going too well, its worth noting that one of the related initiatives, the establishment of Workforce Development Councils, has gone to plan and are now up and running. Let's see how they deliver - but they are at least established and operating.
This article published by Quillette is an interesting take on the rise and fall of Boris Johnson, and rather more measured than much commentary has been.
Thanks Brenda. That is a cracking sketch. The British are so good at that. This is my favourite line, among quite a few: "Those who voted for him in 2019—unless blind, deaf or over-generous to the point of idiocy—knew very well what they were getting. Boris Johnson was the bodger, the gaffe-monger, the overgrown schoolboy who steals all the sweets and second helpings for himself, then diffuses your annoyance with spaniel eyes and a solar smile." Thanks for the heads up.
After nearly 30 years faithfully serving Auckland, on August 12, 2022 we say goodbye to our final fleet of Diesel trains. These trains (also known as DMUs) are the last on our network and have been holding down the fort, shuttling passengers between Pukekohe and Papakura."
So come celebrate their retirement at Papakura Station on 23 & 24 July! It's going to be a free family event. We've also teamed up with the Glenbrook Vintage Railway to do trips for $20 from Pukekohe to Mission Bush! (a rarely travelled section of track)"
‘Rich get richer, poor get poorer. ‘ A better descriptor would be ‘medium-long term property owners have moved forward financially. Renters have slipped backwards. Alas it doesn’t have the same ring. And why should councils be providing housing? Not with my rates. Go whine to central Government.
It's so simple really. Instead of channeling the insurance money through the builder, there should be a direct policy between the customer and MBA with the builder being a side party to stop them rorting the system.
Yes. Good question for David Kelly.
Have you any comments to make on Chris Luxons European trip Bernard?
Love your work!
Thanks Colin. I haven't had a close look at his speeches yet. He seems on an 'idea-finding' mission. Nothing too substantive yet, but he'll have to come with some policies soon-ish.
Ireland & NZ have a very similar sized population. 2020 to 27/6/2022 Ireland had 7499 official COVID deaths, 4800 excess deaths. NZ 1437 official & MINUS 1100 excess deaths.
Officials in Ireland didn't mention COVID to Luxon because of the embarrassment of "dying" X 5!
That makes NZ official COVID deaths 28.03 per 100000 or 1437 total NZ deaths.
In comparison Britain official COVID deaths 264.18 per 100000 or 13543 total NZ deaths.
Compare other countries here
Even so the death COVID rate in New Zealand has been made much worse thanks to Anti-vaxxers, Anti-maskers & Anti-mandaters since March.
Thanks David. Lots of reasons not to follow the Irish model. We'll ask some pointed of questions of Mr Luxon if he chooses to use Ireland as the model.
Thanks. BTW, if you do get the chance to ask Mr Luxon questions ...
David Mohring @NZheretic
"To @chrisluxonmp @NZNationalParty
On 20/06/2022 pursuant to section 22 of the Terrorism Suppression Act 2002 (TSA), The Base & Proud Boys were designated as terrorist entities in NZ. If National is elected into Government will they renew the order in 2025?
" 12:52 pm · 30 Jun 2022
Thanks Bernard,
Not sure we should be surprised at a Labour Govt handing massive amounts of money to the wealthy in the middle of a pandemic. They’ve pursued neoliberalism relentlessly since 1984. Why would they stop now?
Fair comment. It's just not with Labour's stated allegiances, or the way it's portrayed generally or by the Opposition, which did not protest at the wage subsidies and money printing.
Hmmm. As with the monicker “Labour Party,” calling the handout to business a “wage subsidy “ is deliberately setting out to mislead us. There were other options, some of which you have extolled yourself in this forum: direct payments to wage earners among them. Or simply calling the benefit payment to those who want socialised losses and privatised profits a “business handout” would have upset the rich intensely, exposing the great myths of free-marketeering. Perfidious lies underlying precious profits
What Mickey Mouse carrying on’s we have in this country. Chickens will come home to roost and I agree so many Government agencies need going over with a fine tooth comb to show how they’ve been robbing the poor to pay the rich and failing in their duties and obligations for so long and enabling others to do so against the interests of the most vulnerable as well. Clown show here as well.
Bernard, agree 100% with your criticsms of Treasury. Their neo lib economic views are straight out of a classical economics text book & they appear to have no understanding of how the real world operates. If only this government would grow a pair of social democratic balls & steer the public service in leftward different direction.
Thanks Dean. In the end, we get the public service we appoint, and the politicians we vote for. Both sides of politics have deduced this is what the median voter wants. And the median voter seems long as they own a house on land in the suburbs and a couple of double cab utes.
While the tertiary reforms regarding Te Pukenga haven't been going too well, its worth noting that one of the related initiatives, the establishment of Workforce Development Councils, has gone to plan and are now up and running. Let's see how they deliver - but they are at least established and operating.
Thanks Brenda. Best of the bunch I should talk to?
This article published by Quillette is an interesting take on the rise and fall of Boris Johnson, and rather more measured than much commentary has been.
Thanks Brenda. That is a cracking sketch. The British are so good at that. This is my favourite line, among quite a few: "Those who voted for him in 2019—unless blind, deaf or over-generous to the point of idiocy—knew very well what they were getting. Boris Johnson was the bodger, the gaffe-monger, the overgrown schoolboy who steals all the sweets and second helpings for himself, then diffuses your annoyance with spaniel eyes and a solar smile." Thanks for the heads up.
"Auckland Transport @AklTransport
After nearly 30 years faithfully serving Auckland, on August 12, 2022 we say goodbye to our final fleet of Diesel trains. These trains (also known as DMUs) are the last on our network and have been holding down the fort, shuttling passengers between Pukekohe and Papakura."
"John @johnage
So come celebrate their retirement at Papakura Station on 23 & 24 July! It's going to be a free family event. We've also teamed up with the Glenbrook Vintage Railway to do trips for $20 from Pukekohe to Mission Bush! (a rarely travelled section of track)"
Tickets here.
‘Rich get richer, poor get poorer. ‘ A better descriptor would be ‘medium-long term property owners have moved forward financially. Renters have slipped backwards. Alas it doesn’t have the same ring. And why should councils be providing housing? Not with my rates. Go whine to central Government.
BTW - TV3NOW has "Brexit: The Uncivil War" available on demand/streaming