Bernard, I read this last night and thought it might be of interest to you and others. It's UK based, but relevant globally https://surplusenergyeconomics.wordpress.com/2022/08/08/237-asking-for-the-moon/

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Very long read but makes total sense. Have recently had a conversation with a friend along the same lines. Bernard's wood scraps more important than ever.

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Oh dear! Bernard this is your most shutting down Kaka ever isn't it? Nothing left for it but go and sleep it all off. I did wonder why wood scraps were forcing contracting-out model for buses, but after that bit of excitement, now ... Oh dear!

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I find it difficult to retain conviction in your analysis when you throw around strident comments such as this Bernard: "House prices are *likely* to be bouncing by late next year as vendors and landlords celebrate the likelihood of a National/ACT win." - based on such shakey foundations as latest opinion polls. What is the point?

I'd like less forecasting / speculation and to see you stick to your more nuanced scenario analyses type approach as to when/how the facts might (will) change.

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