Apr 25Liked by Bernard Hickey

It amazes me that the 'great negotiator', former CEO don't you know, gifted so much power, policy, and prominence to his minor (in votes) partners.

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PS, the 'Line by line' man lacks detail?

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Chris Luxon weak! You should critique NZ media. On the latest QnA Jack Tame and TVNZ were shamelessly shilling for the racist apartheid state of Israel, running cover for the unconscionable and blatant genocide being committed against. Pity the poor innocent Palestinian souls subjected to Israel’s brutality and pity is Kiwis poorly served by pathetic journalism. Unlike Ireland, Spain, Nicaraguan et al, NZ has greatly diminished in terms of an independent voice punching above its weight in this troubled world.


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Apr 25Liked by Bernard Hickey

I think its become clear that National didnt really do much in opposition. It's not just Lee but most of them seemed to used their spokesperson role as a platform to complain about the government, but it seems like their work to develop policy beyond a one-liner "we'll give tax cuts" for example has only started once in Government.

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Apr 25Liked by Bernard Hickey

A bit rich Nick Leggett talking about a free lunch now when he did so much lobbying to fill our roads with bigger and more destructive trucks - remember councils saying that the trucking industry wasn’t paying for the damage they caused. What are the odds on Simeon’s new e-charges being fair?

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Both flavours of government seem to do endless reviews. I would be fascinated to know how many reviews have been done, what the recommendations were and how many times the same recommendations have been made, just in new reviews.

How do we get a better crop in politicians? Ones who care about all the people, are prepared and do the right (sometimes hard) thing?

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Apr 25Liked by Bernard Hickey

Come along team Kaka, let's get this over the 100-uptick mark, and share today's Kaka like crazy!!!

Bernard, your words about the status quo ring true. There is nothing quite like the massive inertia of the status quo.

One of our human delusions is that in the face of the evidence that this is not so, we think that because it ever was thus (or so it feels), so it must be forever more.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25Liked by Bernard Hickey

that language... open to business (when were we closed?), blatant financial mismanagement (so why are we still AAA?), growth for all (so why do they kick people out of work so others can get tax rates?), I'm a businessman, so I make executive decisions (yet your coalition partners are out there doing things as if they had a voting majority!). It is all just posturing and treating people like idiots who don't know what they need. I work in countries that had their independence only a few decades ago, and I see that contempt for the locals from the former colonial masters in the form of "rich saviourism"... Shut up: we know better what is good for you!.

I'm having the same feeling about this goverment back home now.

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Apr 25Liked by Bernard Hickey

Those comments from the Infrastructure NZ lobby group CEO show a lack of awareness of

- what being a currency-issuing government means for funding infrastructure, and

- the very real privacy issues around real time tracking of vehicles, and

- the need, as Bernard points out, for alternative routes/modes to roads being charged for in order to avoid regressive measures against those on lower incomes.

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Apr 25Liked by Bernard Hickey

Wow, never thought I’d be ok with a cut from National, but I despise SaaS businesses and wouldn’t be mad if these businesses had less help from gov. I’ve heard SaaS referred to as ‘subscription serfdom’ and I find it an apt description.

I remember the good old days when you’d buy an Adobe product and own it, and it was fine. Now you have to pay monthly and overall a lot more for a subpar product.

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I wish to contest the punctuation of today's 'rolling' quote of the day.

After "me" replace comma with period product. tiktok tiktok.

This is how I roll. This is how I lead. This is simply about me. Looking across my team, I want to make sure I've got my aces in their places.” PM Christopher Luxon in a news conference announcing the reshuffle.

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Apr 26Liked by Bernard Hickey

Brilliant range of info on here Bernard. Heaps of detail to set me off on weekend follow ups.

I keep thinking of the Underground - in war. You give us many clues to protest but can we also look for ways to pull rugs out from under foot? Sorry if this sounds nuts but I feel that is a method used a lot by the “right”

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But he has yet to come up with this..."Giving people a heads-up going forward to maximise potential synergies across several silo-ed platforms thereby ensuring policy-relevant key performance indicators that are time-bound and minimise positivism deficits"

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Apr 26Liked by Bernard Hickey

"apply user charges at different rates per kilometre for travelling on different roads at different times in vehicles with different weights."

The CEO of a low cost carrier in the UK I worked closely with once said "I try not to employ too many graduates. They'll come along and twiddle around with a perfectly functioning simple system to make it more complicated purely to justify their salary and existence. I like simple"

Road damage is a function of axle load. Tax heavier vehicles more.

Distance travelled drives emissions for ICEs. Use a mix of fixed and variable charges to influence driver/owner behaviour. A higher base tax based on specific emission and measure distance travelled by using odometer readings taken every 6 months at WoF inspections and charge retrospectively for km driven.

Implement variable tolls or time-zoned congestion pricing via plate recognition.

Each of these measure has a hardwired and easily recognisable incentive - the lighter your vehicle, the less you pay. The cleaner your vehicle, the less you pay. The less you drive, the less you pay. Traffic jams need traffic - reduce traffic density and you reduce traffic jams.

Full disclosure: Not a graduate. I like simple.

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Many thanks to all our paying subscribers. We got over 100 likes. So I’ve opened this one up for public reading, listening and sharing. Only paying subscribers can comment.

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Thank you again Bernard.

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