Bernard Hickey is joined by co-host Peter Bale and special guests Robert Patman, Josie Pagani and Rod Oram to a lap around the highlights and lowlights of 2022, plus a look ahead to 2023
Hi Bernard. I'm always keen to listen to the hoon, but can't finish work at 5pm. Any chance that in the new year you could release the recording to paid subscribers a little sooner? Thanks for your great wotk and Merry Christmas! - Scott
I’m getting invalid link!
Hey Bernard - is your final hook available? Couldn’t listen last night and keen to hear!
Hi Bernard. I'm always keen to listen to the hoon, but can't finish work at 5pm. Any chance that in the new year you could release the recording to paid subscribers a little sooner? Thanks for your great wotk and Merry Christmas! - Scott
Hi Bernard, love your work!
2 requests please,
1. can you turn the volume up as all of your publications are quieter than most of my others
2. Can you please publish your latest hoon. I need something to distract me