well, it's always appealing to get some new ideas, and a party that is far out of actually having to deliver can throw them out there. Some sound good, some more meh. New medical/nursing school - funded - hell yeah! Outward bound program for all - meh. For a party that prides itself on its numbers, and laying out the detail, I find it su…
well, it's always appealing to get some new ideas, and a party that is far out of actually having to deliver can throw them out there. Some sound good, some more meh. New medical/nursing school - funded - hell yeah! Outward bound program for all - meh.
For a party that prides itself on its numbers, and laying out the detail, I find it suprisingly difficult to either find or imagine where the dollars come from, in a "revenue neutral" way, to fund TOP's UBI. 3.5M people (aged 18-65) times $16,500 is $60 billion you're needing, each and every year. Would have liked to press on that. There's only $20B in transfer payments and subsidies section of the 2023 budget, outside of super, so you could wipe those lines to zero and it won't come close to paying for it. LVT - nope. Tax bracket changes - that's going to the teal deal. Hmmm
They're also costing the delivery of the entire 'Teal Card suite' at $20m (for reference, MSD currently spend ~$1.2b on delivering their (admittedly larger) welfare suite) so maybe they're just planning to be super-ultra-efficient or something?
well, it's always appealing to get some new ideas, and a party that is far out of actually having to deliver can throw them out there. Some sound good, some more meh. New medical/nursing school - funded - hell yeah! Outward bound program for all - meh.
For a party that prides itself on its numbers, and laying out the detail, I find it suprisingly difficult to either find or imagine where the dollars come from, in a "revenue neutral" way, to fund TOP's UBI. 3.5M people (aged 18-65) times $16,500 is $60 billion you're needing, each and every year. Would have liked to press on that. There's only $20B in transfer payments and subsidies section of the 2023 budget, outside of super, so you could wipe those lines to zero and it won't come close to paying for it. LVT - nope. Tax bracket changes - that's going to the teal deal. Hmmm
They're also costing the delivery of the entire 'Teal Card suite' at $20m (for reference, MSD currently spend ~$1.2b on delivering their (admittedly larger) welfare suite) so maybe they're just planning to be super-ultra-efficient or something?