Interesting listen, thanks Bernard. I actually don't think I fully understand all the supply/confidence stuff in detail, but the impression I had was if National or Labour form a majority (perhaps via coalition with Green/Act/TPM/NZF/whoever) then TOP will opt to be a wet bus ticket?
Interesting listen, thanks Bernard. I actually don't think I fully understand all the supply/confidence stuff in detail, but the impression I had was if National or Labour form a majority (perhaps via coalition with Green/Act/TPM/NZF/whoever) then TOP will opt to be a wet bus ticket?
...I should add, I expect I'm not the only NZ-registered voter who might walk into a voting booth not understanding the subtleties of this on election day
That's a fair interpretation, although Raf says TOP would be constructive. Btw, there's no way National would form a coalition with Green/TPM/NZF. Only ACT and TOP.
Interesting listen, thanks Bernard. I actually don't think I fully understand all the supply/confidence stuff in detail, but the impression I had was if National or Labour form a majority (perhaps via coalition with Green/Act/TPM/NZF/whoever) then TOP will opt to be a wet bus ticket?
...I should add, I expect I'm not the only NZ-registered voter who might walk into a voting booth not understanding the subtleties of this on election day
at least two of us, probably more :-)
Yep. MMP has tied us all up in knots.
That's a fair interpretation, although Raf says TOP would be constructive. Btw, there's no way National would form a coalition with Green/TPM/NZF. Only ACT and TOP.