Starting to think the best catch-all opposition slogan for this parliamentary term is "They're just not very good at this, are they".

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Maybe, just very maybe, the disinformation leading to Lester (we can privatise that) Levy’s appointment will wake up some of the media, watch for distractions like lapel pins…

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Silver linings ? less construction means less less construction related workplace injuries clogging up the health system! Back on track baby!

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I would have loved for one of these board members just to have said “prove it” no documentation has been provided that illustrates these claims to be based in reality.

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Evidence based decision making has some chance of success. Knee jerk motivated decisions are down to chance.

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By the way. I'd love to send this one to the widest possible audience. Plenty of juicy and fresh news and analysis. Let's bump this over 100 likes. :)

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This definitely needs to shared widely - it shows how unsuitable an under pressure Luxon is to be PM.

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Def. I think one of the key things to get out to New Zealander is Chris Luxon is running NZ like a CEO of a state funded capitalist company. Taking risks, cutting, not listening and acting as though he is the only player in the market and there will be no negative consequences for his actions. As that is what AIRNZ is - state funded, will always be bailed out company. He is running NZ like a company that benefits really no one.

Hope this dispels this myth that you can run a country like a business.

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If Luxon had to pay from his own pocket for his actions he would be bankrupt already. But he never risks his own money so he is bankrupting the country instead.

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I saw that Air NZ has been forced to confront the fiction that they could somehow have "sustainable" aviation by 2030, whatever that was supposed to mean. They have now abandoned their 2030 climate commitments saying the will meet the 2050 ones instead. This country is sounding more like a Tui advert every day.

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While I can't argue with the characterisation of Luxon I think calling Air NZ a state funded company is a big stretch. It is not a SOE like TVNZ and the Government and thus taxpayer's have benefited from the the investment post 2001.

Loan facilities were provided over COVID but have either been paid back or canceled as not required. The government and thus us taxpayers are shareholders.

That's not to say it isn't a strategically important company to the country but this is the case in lots of countries. Boeing in the US is a capitalist enterprise and given the defence contracts with the US government and the boondoggles that happen with those you could make a stronger argument that that is state funding.

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I get your point Kurt. I am more meaning that as the state has a significant shareholding it is in its best interest to keep it functioning, not only to get a dividend but also as its our national carrier. So unlike other publicly traded companies it has a backstop of cash that will bail it out which has happened multiple times, covid being the last example. Whereas if it was true "capitalism" it would have gone bust.

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There is definitely a tension that's for sure!

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I hope the board members of Te Whatu Ora - Health NZ take a defamation case against the PM for damage to their reputations by calling them "financially illiterate".

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From Wikipedia: "Legislators in countries using the Westminster system... are protected from civil action and criminal law for slander and libel by parliamentary immunity whilst they are in the House. This protection is part of the privileges afforded the Houses of Parliament under parliamentary privileges. Parliamentary immunity from criminal prosecution is not enjoyed by Members of Parliament under the Westminster system. This lack of criminal immunity is derived from the key tenet of the British Constitution that all are equal before the law." I presume this holds true in NZ.

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Yes - thank you - I was aware of that. Was Luxon in the House when he said that?

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Sorry- I wasn't presuming you weren't aware- just a clarification for other readers.

I presume the original purpose of that privilege was because threat of litigation would have a chilling effect on parliamentary debate. If that is the case, then it should be confined to immunity from litigation by other members. Using it to defame the professional capacity of managers is an abuse of the privilege.

Try as I may, I can't see where Luxon was when he made the claim.

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A government of wreckers and haters. Running the same (fact free) attack line on KiwiRail, Kainga Ora, Te Whatu Ora. Which one next?

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And where, might we ask, once again,again, is the informed critique from the Labour opposition?

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Colour me wrong, but the ‘flood the zone with disinformation’ accusations against Luxon et al over financial mismanagement at Health NZ strike me a virtually the same approach National took to attacking Labour during the election. Breathless baseless bluster.

The observation that these statements are seemingly made to create a narrative “casus belli” seem exactly correct.

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I’m just confused by the strategy. Instead of trying to blame the previous politicians in government, they are constantly attacking the non-politicians who were/are running the boards etc. It’s a wonder anyone will want to step up to run these organizations if they will just have their competencies called into question to justify a political narrative.

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They'll just give the jobs to their mates who will do their bidding!!

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Exactly! That strategy has been obvious from the word go. English, Bridges, Joyce for starters.

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I suppose we should not be surprised at this cruel, corrupt government. Reading some of the policy’ suggestions from the likes of Taxpayers Union & the Heritage Foundation, both funded and supported by the Atlas Network, it is becoming obvious that they want very small public sector, underfunded so that they can claim private businesses can do thing better. The wholesale sell off ior closures are coming.

Luxon is reportedly selling some of his investment properties. If so, we have a PM who will profit and add to his already large wealth. And will he pay a fair tax? Highly unlikely.

What a despicable bunch of sell-serving hypocrites we have for a government.

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Luxon getting ready to run? Insider trading based on anticipated property price crash maybe?

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As in: buying up housing to rent is now a corporate business plan of asset management companies like 'Blackstone'. It seems reasonable that if regular people can't buy houses at any price because of long-term recession, then price-falls will favour those asset managers rather than first-time-buyers.

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Have heard the same - corporates snaffling up residential property in the US

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That’s a great last line, I reckon. Don’t hold back!

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The construction chart is further evidence that this government has just tanked the economy - they talk about rebuilding the economy to create growth - where are the policies that support that? Please open up Bernard.

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I have just listened to today’s update. I feel you Bernard. I’ve been living in Germany as an expat since 2009 - about the same time as the cringeworthy John Key government took power. I’m so distressed by the current government’s abandonment of all moral high ground, on a global stage, in the care of families and children and the absolute failure in climate policy. How did we again fall in the thrall of a ruthless elite class?

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I absolutely agree - what is happening is incredibly distressing.

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The same way all the other captured democracies have, in the name of a consumerist fairy-tale of never ending growth as the bedrock of a capitslist society. If you propose anything else, the classical thoughtstoppers are spattered all over you (socialist/communist?/touchy-feely do gooder/bleeding heart etc.).

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The punching down comments that Chris Luxon is so fond of making - while overseas about trade delegations, and about public servants at home - are a classic strategy of poor managers everywhere! Happily, we can sack this Government after 3 years (often much more difficult to get rid of self serving behaviour in leadership positions).

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Share this! One of your best ever, Bernard

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I think the problem with Luxon is that he's doing his CEO schtick how he THINKS it's done. No successful, modern business has such poor leadership on display like this. His behaviour exhibits all the qualities of someone completely out of their depth and insecure. Deflection, blame, obfuscating, bulldozing and bullying. The political corner he has backed some of his colleagues into, particularly with regard to Te Tiriti, will, I think, become untenable to some, in much the same way as the Board of Health NZ. As a shareholder of Aotearoa Inc, I cannot wait to vote this government out of their governance role. They may find facts and data inconvenient, but the numbers speak for themselves.

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