Elimination abandoned in new multi-step opening plan
Cabinet sets new three-step plan for reopening Auckland despite continued Covid infections; PM effectively ditches elimination; Auckland stays at level 3 with tweaks; Rest of NZ stays at level 2
TLDR: PM Jacinda Ardern has effectively abandoned the Government’s elimination strategy, adopting a three-step process for re-opening Auckland and then the rest of New Zealand despite continued Covid infections.

The key details are:
Auckland remains in level three from 11.59pm on Tuesday, but up to two households can gather outside in groups of 10 or less,
Early childhood education can resume for all,
People can move around Auckland for recreation such as beach visits and hunting,
The next level (Step Two) of easing restrictions will allow retail shops to open and the number of people able to meet outdoors rises from 10 to 25,
Under step three, cafes, bars and restaurants will be able to open with a limit of 50, as can contact businesses such as hairdressers with mask use, while gatherings can rise to 50.
Schools can reopen in Auckland and elsewhere from October 18,
The rest of New Zealand will stay in level two, but the 100 limit on hospitality spaces is removed immediately.
Cabinet will review each step weekly and the wage subsidy will continue to be available.
“Today, based on public health advice, Cabinet confirmed its plan to transition Auckland out of current restrictions carefully and methodically, with regular check-ins to ensure we’re continuing to actively control the virus.
“In total, this phasing amounts to a careful and methodical transition plan for Auckland. At the end of these steps, we will then move to a national framework that reflects a more highly vaccinated population, allowing us the ability to deal with riskier settings such as large-scale events with the use of vaccine certificates.
“Vaccines were always going to change the way we manage Covid-19 into the future, but our strategy has worked and will remain – we want to control the virus, avoid cases and hospitalisations, enjoy our freedoms, and reconnect with the world.” Jacinda Ardern in a statement released at 4pm.
Ardern said in the news conference the wage subsidy would continue in place during each of the three steps for Auckland in level three.
She also confirmed there were no planned changes to the strict level four restrictions on movement through the boundaries around Auckland.
I am in the news conference and welcome any questions from readers, or any thoughts on unintended consequences. I will update with more details in the comments below.
FYI. I asked about likely hospitalisations, deaths and delays to other operations with this new 'tweaked' set of rules for Level 3 in Auckland. No specific answer. I also asked about accelerating use of mandates and vaccination certificates to increase vaccination faster. She said there would be more announced in the next couple of days. Didn't address the mandate issue.
Was there any talk about ICU capacity or modelling on how these changes are going to effect the hospitals... It still seems too early for me.