Wow after all the cock ups and illegal activity NZ Govts have perpetuated against women, children and the most vulnerable, including denying their bodily rights and resources as everyone else IN THE SAME WEEK an arrogant Government spokesman has the audacity to say that about those charged with reporting for the citizenry. Labour really are toast at the next election if they allow that. People will be fuming even more than they where before and under both National and Labour. Just so appallingly out of touch with their public obligations.

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"the work is more important to us than providing occupational therapy for journalists" Rob Campbell

that is an extremely puerile statement, sufficient to require his instant dismissal !!! PROTEST journalists and news media !!!

If he is not dismissed (sacked) then that would not bode well for the future of the health system.

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National has accused the government of 'not treating public money with respect.' I would have thought that National promising $2 B of public money as tax cuts to the wealthy is about as disrepectful as it gets.

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The same priorities of speed over accuracy was done with the covid wage subsidy. Didn't hear National criticism about those who took it and had record profits.

IRD, like all govt departments, is underesourced and underfunded. To get accuracy you'll need time for a highly accurate software OR a lot of down to the details manual labour. The detailed check will be at the expense of something else.

Could there have been better solutions for the cost of living? Sure. But I find it cynical seeing that as a whole this country is allergic to fair taxes.

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"Profundities and feel goods" probably shouldn't go right above "1000 Pakistanis dead" 😬

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